York New, What A Town!

Start from the beginning

I bought a small blue narwhal, a small pink octopus, a small frog and a small turtle. I smiled as I carried my four small friends through the crowd. Mother always did tell me that I bought stupid stuff...but this isn't stupid.

The road began to get more crowded as I looked down at my small friends. "You'll be safe in here." I conclude as I open my bag and shove my friends inside. I continue on my way until I saw a fluff of white hair in the distance, a bright smile came to my face as I pushed through the crowd, quickly seeing spiky green hair as well.

"Killua! Gon!" I shout as the two pause in their tracks, turning around and looking at me.

"Y/N!" Gon and Killua said in unison.

"Hi!" I wave with a bright smile, "I've missed you two so much!" I hug Killua and then Gon.

"I've missed you too! But not as much as Killua has missed you." Gon smiles innocently.

"B-Baka! Don't tell her that stuff!" Killua growls with flustered cheeks.

Gon lets out a nervous laugh, "oopies."

"No, it's okay Gon. He tried to rizz me up last night, so it's okay." I say to the boy.

"Huh? What does that mean?" Gon tilts his head.

"Nothing! It means nothing!" Killua exclaims.

"I think he deserves to know." I admit.

"Yeah but then I won't be able to live down the name." Killua argues.

"Am I missing something?" Gon asks.

"He tried to ask me out last night."

"As a joke!"

Gon's eyes widen, "woah really?! Killua! Good job!"

"Bye." Killua quickly says as he walks off.

Gon and I let out a laugh at our friends behavior before going after the albino boy. "He's missed you a lot. He wouldn't stop talking about you."

"Aw, he's so sweet when he wants to be." I say with flushed cheeks.

We finally caught up to Killua who seemed to had gotten over what happened before. "Have you guys learned Nen?" I ask curiously.

"Yep!" Gon nods.

"What type of Nen users are ya'll?" I ask.



"Oh, that's what Alex is. Got this wicked burn from them." I say proudly, showing off the injury from the day before.

"Who's Alex?" Killua asks.

"Woah, are you okay?!" Gon exclaims.

"Yeah, I'm good." I nod, "Alex is...was my Nen teacher. They could control fire, obviously."

"Woah, that's so cool!" Gon says.

"What can you control Killua?"

"Nothing right now. But one day I'll be able too." Killua replies, "anyway, what about you?"

"I'm an emitter. I can teleport." I proudly say.

Gon gasps, "I wish I could do that! That's so cool!"

I let out a soft laugh, "yeah it is. But I can only teleport to places I've been before. If I ever decide to come back to York New, I'll be able to teleport here. But if I use my ability to much, I get extremely tired and weak." I explain, "oh which reminds me—!" I open my bag and reach into it, pulling out a small paper bag and giving it to Killua. "Here's the chocolate I told you about."

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