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"You're saying they did WHAT?!" Court had the whole building turned to us at her outburst. I can't say that I didn't expect this reaction to be prominent but maybe breaking the news to them while in public wasn't the best idea.

"YO, calm the fuck down." I whispered to Court as my eyes went round the building. I had a strawberry smoothie before me and I was halfway done as I slowly stirred it with my straw.

"Now what you ain't gon do, is tell me to calm down when I have every right to be going crazy on this table." Court had now leaned forward towards the table her hands firm on the surface.

"Courtenay's right. What the actual fuck bro?!" Elijah seemed to share Courtenay's rage and I'm pretty sure Ari did too, she probably just had enough sense not to air it out in a cafe full of white folk. Shit I was mad too, but I had already caused quite the scene back at home so I didn't want one here too.

"They can't just take your ass away. Like, we was supposed to be 'togeder foheve'." Ari stated as she mimicked that one TikToker with that funny ass accent.

They were furious and it honestly that if I ever were to move than they would miss me — EVEN though they all didn't think twice about abandoning me yesterday, but still.

"Respectfully, Isaiah. I'mma have to go whoop your parents' asses cause this ain't it. Respectfully." Court was ready to start throwing fists so I needed to find some way to calm her down. The two hype-men beside her were clearly no help though.

"How 'bout another round of cheesecake." I proposed, frantically looking for a waiter, any waiter.

"Oh, my sweet-sweet Isaiah. You know you can't but my silence this time. Your parents are going to hear what I have to say today." Court stated as she reached for my phone to do what I already know would end badly for me.

I certainly didn't expect for it to happen so fast though.

First Court snatched my phone off the table. Next thing, my phone is being shoved in my face so that the Face ID could be unlocked and soon I heard the sound of my father's voice coming from my phone. Courtenay had my father on loudspeaker.

"Isaiah?" My father asked which had me frantic.

"Ah, yes. Mr Jackson, this is Courtenay, Isaiah's friend. I have a question for you. WHO DO YOU THI-" I quickly snatched the device from the maniac's clutches  and frantically pressed down on the red button.

"HEY. I wasn't done talking." Court argued as she tried reaching for my phone again.

I always knew this girl was crazy but this was full on madness.

"What is wrong with you??? Are you TRYING to land me on the streets??" I questioned while I shoved my phone into the right pocket of my pants.

"Well babes, you gon end up an orphan either way once we get our hands on them." Court stated before she took one big sip from her smoothie.

I strongly side-eyed Courtenay at that statement before I pulled out my card. "On second thought, you've had enough sugar for today. How 'bout a trip to the mall?" I knew that last part would catch her attention, because she immediately perked up the sound of the word "mall". Unsurprisingly. She quickly slurped down the rest of her smoothie and began collecting her stuff.

"Well baby, you don't have to tell us twice." Ari stated as she also grabbed at her purse, getting ready to leave. Her and Courtenay shuffled out the booth and headed for the bathroom to 'freshen up'.

Elijah now sat stunned at how quick the two switched up at the mere suggestion of going to the mall.

"Sellouts!" he shouted at them, drawing a chuckle from me.

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