An Unidentified person

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"I think so." Kim pauses. " But why did you come here?" he asked making Sem gain his posture back.

"Yep, Macau called me. he said he has something to tell us." He said changing Kim's expression.

Kim glanced at Chay and then at Sem. "What about chay? I can't take him home like this."

"Hmm, we can take him with us and let him sleep for a while," Sem said.

"But his brothers they will be worried sick for him." He said with a frown. when an idea popped up in Sem's head.

He took Chay's phone and unlocked it without any problem, he then texted Nam and Mok that Chay will be late.

"woh!! How did you find his password?" Kim asked confused.

"I used my magic." He said smiling proudly.

"Yeah, then let's go to meet Macau," Kim said and Sem nodded and teleported using his necromancy.

Kim picked Chay in his arms and teleported inside his bedroom. He tugged Chay in bed and pecked his lips before leaving the room. He went downstairs where he met Macau and Sem sitting on the couch. As usual, sem was teasing Macau and Macau was fuming in anger.

"Can you plz shut your mouth?" Macau growled, his expression changed when he saw Kim.

Kim put on his stoic expression before taking his seat. " So, what did you get now?" he asked directly.

Macau watches Kim and then Sem trying to process his words. "So, I got someone who will help us stop my dad," Macau said making both of them shocked.

"What? who?" Kim asked getting curious.

Macau took a deep breath before telling about the person. Their eyes widen.

"But it is difficult to meet him, he doesn't like to reveal himself." Sem groaned.

"If we try we can definitely find him," Macau said.

"Hmm, Then there is only one person who can help us to meet him," Kim said looking in deep thoughts.

"Who?" Sem and Macau both said in unison.

"Grim reaper," Kim smirked.

"What?!!!!" Sem yelled."You want that stupid creature to help us, no way There is no way he will do it."

"I know you hate him, Sem but he is the only person we can rely on now." Kim sighed.

"So, you think that he will help us," Macau asked and Kim nodded.

"But if anything happens then, you know how wicked he is?" Sen sneered.

"I know how to deal with him," Kim said with a wicked smile but soon disappeared when he heard a voice behind him.

"Macau." He turned around to see porchay who was standing at the end of the stairs watching in their direction completely shocked.

"shit."Kim cursed and snapped his head towards Macau who was also as shocked as Chay.

"Kim, what is he doing here? Don't tell me you manipulated him." Macau growled glancing at his friend.

Chay was standing there watching everything with a sad look but soon that look changed to a furious one as he marched towards the couch.

Macau smiled nervously at Chay and didn't know how to start the conversation after a long time. He was about to open his mouth but Chay punched Macau on his shoulder making him wince in main.

"Ouuch, chay what is this for?" He said rubbing his arm.

"For leaving me alone." He punched once again. " For making me worried about you. "He again punched the boy's face. "For not telling me the reason." Macau was holding his face at the sudden outburst of his friend.

When I am with you 2: Reincarnated loveKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat