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A fight broke out on the training ground.

One minute xie yun was engaged in trails with his fellow pupil the next moment he was on the floor with Li ziyuan's leering face looming above him. Xie yun's head hit the ground and the dummy sword fly out of his grip. He was expecting something like this since the news of him assisting his father to the vault spread like a wild fire.

Li ziyuan let's stop it here..

Xie yun sighed and get up from the floor, dusting off his robes. Other pupils have alredy formed a circle around them. Master Jin Zixuan was called to his fathers personal study for an urgent conference, other wise he wouldn't have tolerate such a act. A letter have arrived from fellow library of Zhurong, Situated west to the capital, nestled at the foot of dafan mountain. Tricky ink roads leading to the nearest town called Fojiao, known to be protected by the heavenly maiden. The content inside it must've explosive for the masters to act so tense since its arrival. Xie yun doesn't want to cause more trouble to them.

You can fight a nefarious ghost but not me xie yun?

Ziyuan raised his feet for an swinging kick which xie yun Dodge effortlessly.

I don't want to fight you.

Ziyuan continued to throw kicks and punches at him and xie yun eluded each one of them.

You think you're great since you entered the vault huh? A bastard like you with no clan name wasn't worth enough to bear the title of Grandmaster of Xinye.
Ziyuan's fist swing clumsily across the air, xie yun caught it and twisted his arm into his back and bring him into the ground. A cry of pain escaped from Ziyuan's lip. Xie yun loosen his grip on him a tad bit not enough foe him to break free.

If I'm not worthy then a halfwit like who's heart so balck with jealousy and loath wouldn't be worth enough to even spell that.

YOU!!!! Ziyuan roared, furiously wiggling under him. When he manged to swing his free hand over his shoulder xie yun prevent it with a precise grace, pinning it on his back before pressing his entire body to the ground. Ziyuan let out a series of frustrated grunts and muffled cries. Xie yun have no intention to hurt him, furthermore he never really take any of ziyuan's hateful act to his heart. He was well aware that, ziyuans loathful behaviour was only a aftermath of his harsh upbringing. Master li lianjie was never an kind parent.

Ziyuan look, i don't hate you or nor did i wanted to get on your way. We are all here to be a part of this library..
Ziyuan let out a disapproving grunt,
Unhand me, he seethed..
Please let me finish.. Ziyuan throw a sharp look through his shoulder but fall silent
to follow the path that our masters lead us to. In the end only one of us could earn the title of grandmaster. I would be genuinely happy of the jade bone sword will chose you as its wielder(master).
Ziyuan stop fighting against him. Xie yun smiled, the boy is now listening to him.
I will be discouraged if i have to be honest, but will be surly happy for you.

Ziyuan mumbled. Xie yun heart ache how fragile he sound. To have someone to put their faith on him, or telling him that he is worth it would be a first to him.
You think I'm worth?

If you willing to throw away all the hate and negativity consuming your heart then sure..

Xie yun smiled when he watch ziyuan's face light up. He was about unhand the boy when a roar thundered around them..


master li lianjie stormed towards them, his face red with hot fury. Xie Yun quickly got up and help ziyuan on his feet. The pupils crowding covered back seeing master li lianjie.

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