Chapter 12: I do or I don't?

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Treyvon's POV

I looked at Tatianna. She had on a white pantsuit with her natural curls out. Kalani came in after her with revealing red outfit, red lips, and straight black hair. I ran off the altar to search for Jayda. Once I finally found her I knocked on the door.

Jayda: Who is it?

Treyvon: It's me.

Jayda: Stay out, I don't want you to see me yet. I'm so sorry about my mother.

I spoke to her through the door.

Treyvon: It's fine, let's not worry about her. Let's go get married and have fun.

Jayda: I feel like this is all my fault. She's here because she definitely mad at me. She wearing white on my wedding day?

Treyvon: It's fine, just act unbothered.

Jayda: It's not that easy. That's my mother acting like a teenager, trying to be petty. This could not get any worst.

Treyvon: Well... I didn't invite her but Kalani is here.

Jayda: What? How? Jaelynn!!

Jaelynn: Like I said before I didn't invite mom or Kalani.

Jayda: Then, how did they know?

Jaelynn: You know what, if you gonna keep accusing me. When i'm telling the TRUTH, i'm just gonna leave. I'm not gonna be treated this way.

Jayda: What way? I'm asking you a simple question.

Jaelynn: Being disrespectful. I would never go against your wishes. I told you multiple times, I DIDN'T invite them but you still don't listen.

Treyvon: Can we all be nice, this is our wedding day. Please don't leave Jaelynn.

Jayda: No let her, she's mad that I'm getting married. She's a sad, pathetic, no where near getting married, jealous piece of shit. I knew she was upset with the news. All because i'm getting married before you.

Jaelynn: You do the same thing every time. First, we're best friends, next things don't got your way so you blame it on me, then you run back to me crying that you need help. I'm sick is this shit. Fucking spoiled brat.

She leaves slamming the door behind.

Treyvon: That wasn't cool, she's your sister. She's helped you during multiple situations and you say that to her.

Jayda: I'm sorry, i'm stressed out. I'll talk to her later. Just go to the altar and i'll be right there.

Treyvon: Alright.

I left and went back to the altar. We wait for about 10 minutes and she finally came down the aisle. She looked so stunning in her dress. Everything about her is so perfect for me. I can't believe she's really gonna be my wife.

Pastor Ray: Now finally, y'all taking y'all sweet time which is MY sweet time. Let's hurry this up, I got stuff to do.

She smiled at me and I smiled back. We held hands while the pastor was speaking.

Pastor Ray: Before we go any further. Does anybody object?

The guests looked around. Valeria and Ny'Asia where sitting right next to each other. Kalani and Tatiana where sitting in the back. While my brother and my daughter where sitting in the front row.

Pastor Ray: Now the vows. Do you have some prepared or would you like to repeat some?

Jayda: I have mine, Dear Trey, the first time we made eye contact. I knew we had something special. Through all of our ups and downs, we still stuck together. I promise you as your wife, to stay with you through sickness and health, to be there everyday and night, to be with you through the good and the bad. You're my ride or die for life and I love you. It's you and mine against the world. You showed me so many things about love and life. I will forever appreciate you. It would be my honor to be your wife.

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