The Night Mare

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Lucy's Pov

    I shot up in bed, tears streaming down my face, the image of Lockwood's bloody body still ingrained in my vision. I clutched my blankets and cried into them, trying not to wake Lockwood or George up. I eventually got my tirade of tears under control and drifted back into an uneasy sleep.  

     That morning I awoke puffy-eyed and exhausted.  I stumbled out of bed, not bothering to change out of my PJs. I walked slowly down the stairs and to the kitchen. The light of late morning shone through the windows, and Lockwood was sitting at the table. He looked up as I entered and a worried expression flitted across his face.

"Are you okay, Luce?" 

"Yeah," My voice was husky from sleep and I cleared it. "I'm fine." 

He raised an eyebrow at me, but I ignored him and  got myself some breakfast. 

I ate moodily and was quiet for remainder of the day- even George noticed something was a bit off. I waved off his worried enquires, saying I was just tired. The skull however, wasn't as easily dissuaded.

"Come on Lucy, everyone can see something's wrong. What- has darling Anthony gone and snogged some other girl?" 

I glared at it from where I was curled on the sofa. 

"Nothing's wrong." I paused, "Besides, even if he had, why would that be of any concern of mine?"  

It snorted.

"Everyone can see it. You're head over heals in love with him." It considered. "Actually, no. There are exactly two people who can't see it. You and him." 

I rolled my eyes, although I could feel my cheeks heating up a little bit. "Nonsense. Nothing's wrong. Now leave me alone." 

"Ooooo.... but you secretly love it. The thrill of being found out."

I threw a pillow at the jar. "Shut up! You have no idea what you're talking about." 

It was just a stupid skull in a jar. Obviously  I didn't like Lockwood that  way. I mean- he's nice, and handsome, and moody, and mysterious, and clever, and brave, and funny, but I don't like him that  way. Oh- he's also my boss. So there.

Either way, I was fed up with the skull, and I heaved myself from the couch and turned the lever, ignoring the grotesque faces he pulled at me. I was too tired to practice swordplay or do paperwork. I needed sleep, however many nightmares came with it. 

The nightmares started the moment my head hit the pillow. Once again I saw Lockwood's hauntingly beautiful face as he was ghost touched. Once again I saw him fall, his skin turning a shade of icy blue.  Once again I screamed as if my heart was being torn from my chest. 

I jerked awake, accidentally flinging myself over the side of my bed, hitting the floor with a thump. Without thinking, I tore out of my bedroom, dashing down the stairs. Tears blurred my vision. I needed to see him, to see him breathing, to see him alive. I skidded to a stop before Lockwood's room. Right as I was about to knock, however, the door was flung open and Lockwood appeared, shirtless and flustered.

        "Luce? Are you okay? I thought I heard-"

I cut him off, flinging myself into his arms. He covered his surprise well and guided me to his bed. We sat down. He held my to his (bare) chest. Despite my tirade of tears, I felt my face heating up. He smoothed my hair.


I nodded.


I hesitated. "You can trust me, Luce." "I know. It was- I mean, I was on a case and you- you got... ghost touched." 

I glanced up at him and noticed a small blush tinting his cheeks. This made me blush, which in turn made him blush more. It basically just turned into a blushing contest. Lockwood cleared his throat. 

"Luce- there's something I've been meaning to tell you."


He looked away from me and cleared his throat again.

"Before you joined Lockwood & Co, my life never really had a meaning. I was defined by the loss of my family. I was hollow. Then you came into my life. You were so strong and determined. You showed me life was worth living."

I blushed even more, if that was possible. 

"What I mean is-" he looked straight into my eyes. My breath hitched. His eyes were so dark and warm. They were gentle and loving.

"What I mean is that I'm head over heals in love with you, Lucy Carlyle."

His head lowered. I met him halfway. Our lips were hesitant, unfamiliar. We eventually grew more comfortable however, and Lockwood's arms snaked around my waist. I pushed him back on the bed so that he was laying down. Our mouths moved together, creating a rhythm. Eventually I had to pull away for air, and I laid my head on his chest, breathing softly. The last thing I heard before I drifted off to sleep was a soft voice in my ear.

"I Love You."   

A/N HI!!!!! Sorry it isn't very good- I'm not very experienced. Anyway, comment and tell me what you think! Constructive criticism is welcome and very much appreciated!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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