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   at the beginning of my high school experience, i had no friends. i had no one. i would walk down the halls blaring music in my ears to drown out the laughter of friends chatting.

one day at lunch, a man walked up to me. he sat with me for the lunch period. he didn't speak a word to me. the last five minutes left of lunch, he turned his head to me.
"you dont have any friends, do you, princess?" he asked.
"well, no. i dont want them either."
"im Gwi-nam. ill be your new friend." he had a small smirk on his face.

after that day, he took me in. i would hang with his stupid group of friends who always got in trouble. he never let me get in trouble though. he always told me to run before the cops got there. in a way, he protected me. his friends only liked me because i was pretty. the one girl in the group hated me because she was in love with Gwi-nam. she made it obvious her hatred for me but i didn't care.

Gwi-nam and I were never officially together. We just messed around a lot with each other. He didn't like commitment and I didn't love him. We both agreed we were just having some fun.

one night, after hooking up with each other; i wad putting on my clothes when he came back into the room.
"wanna have some different type of fun?" he asked.
"i should really be getting home. Father will kill me if im late." i was putting on my jacket and shoes. he walked up to me, putting his hand on my cheek; his thumb slowly rubbing it as he got lost in my eyes.
"come on, just this one time. i promise you'll have some fun."
i let out a sigh and agreed. I regret it.

We were at the roof of an abandoned building. it was raining so we were all getting soaked. the girl who hated me; shared her umbrella with me, which was quite shocking. Gwi-nam and one of his other buddies were kicking around some poor kid. Gwi-nam did stupid shit like steal and do some graffiti but never hurting someone. Gwi-nam and the kid got into a fight, gwi-nam having the upper hand and obviously winning. When the kid stood up, Gwi-nam went to push him down but pushed him over the edge of the roof. everyone else was laughing but me and Gwi-nam. He looked terrified, actually. I witnessed my fling-thing kill someone. That was when I was done with him and his stupid friends. They all cheered him on and hyped him up. They made it seem like what he did was a good thing. I ended what we had that night and never looked back. He still thinks i'm in love with him when I never was.


I was able to catch my breath and run on my own again. Cheong-san had let me go. He handed me back the phone as we ran down the hall. I put it in my pocket and zipped it up. I was a bit behind Cheong-san as we ran. Gwi-nam wasn't far behind me though.

A zombie ran out of one of the rooms we had just past and tackled Gwi-nam to the ground. Gwi-nam stabbed him and push the zombie off him. Still determined to catch up to us. He wiped off the knife.

I looked back to see Gwi-nam throw the knife. I didn't have any time to speak properly so i just ran directly behind Cheong-san; the knife hitting me in the shoulder blade. i didn't know exactly what I was thinking, i just acted. It was only a small cut but still hurt. I groan and kept running, now holding my shoulder blade. I figured to not let Cheong-san know i was hurt or his focus would turn to me, and he would not be focused on running away.

Zombies kept running out of classes. Me and Cheong-san would dodge them or throw them back into Gwi-nam. I was panting from running so much. I gotta quite smoking. We ran downstairs into the library. It was full of zombies as well. Cheong-san put a hand on my good shoulder, "ready?" I nod in response. Cheong-san ran and jumped onto the tables, I followed close behind. Gwi-nam was fighting off zombies at the front doors so it gave us a little more time.

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