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My eyes flew open to the dim, comforting familiarity of my room. The dream, with its sinister forest and relentless pursuer, started to fade away. My hand instinctively went to my back, but there was no wound, no evidence of the nightmarish encounter.

It was a dream—a vivid and terrifying dream, but just a dream. My heart still raced, and perspiration clung to my skin, evidence of the very real fear it had stirred within me.

I took a few deep breaths, attempting to steady my racing pulse. The room was bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the window, casting long shadows across the floor.

As the adrenaline slowly went away, I started to feel uneasy. It was as if some unseen entity stood behind me and that it was watching me, waiting for me to leave the safety of my bedroom.

I shivered, the hairs on my nape prickling up at the thought. Something wasn't right; something wasn't quite right.

Carefully, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and reached for a flashlight on my nightstand. Gripping it tightly, I got up, the floorboards creaking softly beneath my weight. My room seemed different in the moonlight, cast in an eerie, distorted perspective.

I moved cautiously, sweeping the beam of light around the room, searching for any sign of intrusion. Shadows danced on the walls, seemingly alive, but I found nothing out of place. My heart pounded, and the feeling of being watched persisted.

Just as I began to doubt my instincts, a soft thud echoed from my closet. My flashlight flickered for a moment, then steadied. I hesitated, fear and curiosity fighting within me.

Gritting my teeth, I approached the closet slowly, my flashlight trembling in my hand. The door stood slightly ajar, and I could sense movement inside. With a deep breath, I pushed the door open, revealing a mess of clothes and shoes.

But there, nestled among the chaos, was a small, delicate figure.

it was Alfie, the fairy from my earlier encounter. Her tiny form looked disheveled, and her wings held a small tear.

I couldn't contain my surprise. "Alfie? What are you doing here?"

Alfie's voice quivered as she picked herself up, her large eyes filled with fear. "He followed you here, from the dream. He's here, [y/n]."

My heart raced as I took in her words. It made sense.

The dream had spilled into reality, and the feeling of being watched was no mere illusion. The relentless pursuer from the dream had crossed the boundary between worlds.

I needed answers.

Slenderman X reader [rewritten/edited]Where stories live. Discover now