29. Stay at my side

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(Y/n)= Your name

(L/n)= Last name

(H/c)= Hair color

(E/c)= Eyes color

(F/c)= Favourite color

(Y/n) POV

My last Summer as a high schooler was very memorable. I spent it with my cherished ones and made memories that I'd fondly look back at in the future. 

The breeze was getting crisp, the Autumn was coming. The tension hung in the air, mine to be exact.

I faced several nerve-wracking situations as I grew up, but I have never felt so restless for an appointment before, a date to be precise. The person I was supposed to meet with was none other than the girl who came at me with her bare feelings, Nino Nakano. I owed her a date from that time in Kyoto, to which I gladly agreed. Although I got an odd feeling from her recently, it was hard to put it into words but I couldn't shrug off the thought that something about her was odd.

I spent the past hours deciding what to wear for our date.

"A suit is too formal, and a tracksuit is no good either..." 

I felt like an idiot pondering about something so trivial. I realized that I haven't been thinking rationally when it comes to my feelings, which I wouldn't say was a negative change though. The cold and rational me was a distant memory at last.

From the reflection of the mirror, I noticed my sister peeking from the door. 

"What's wrong, Sylvie?" I asked her with a smile inviting her to come inside.

"Nii-san has been in front of the mirror for a while."

"Yeah, I'm not sure what to wear when I go out." 

"Are you going out with Nino-nee?" 

"Yes, we're gonna have some fun together."

"I think you look cool wearing everything," she cutely reassured me.

My sister was the cutest, I wanted to hug her and give her a lot of head pats, which I did. 

"Nii-san, it tickles!" she giggled.

"I got the best sister in the world!" 

She was such an emotional relief, she must have taken after Ayaka! She's gonna be great at taking care of people when she grows older.

Our sibling bonding was put to a halt by our parents barging in.

"Looks like you're having fun," Dad pointed out.

"And by having some fun with Nino, I hope it also includes some night fun too," Mom said.

"Mom, not in front of Sylvie," I sighed as I covered my confused sister's ears.

After I've come to terms with my father, we started to spend more time together as a family. They've been having more breaks from work, which allowed us to travel around the world during the Summer and be more present as parent figures. Alas, I must admit it was still sometimes awkward interacting with Dad, it didn't help the fact that he wasn't a good talker if the topic wasn't business related. He was more of a passive-talker, and I can see how Mom complimented him.

"You've come at the right time. Mom, Dad, how was your first date?" I asked. I wanted to use it as a reference for the one I was gonna have. 

"I also want to know," Sylvie followed up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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