-Chapter 1-

180 5 6

3rd person
September 3, 2015

"Wait up idiot shinji!" Asuka yelled. "I'm walking! How can you not catch up?" Shinji said back.

Asuka took that as an insult. "What did you just say to me?" Asuka runs towards Shinji and kicks the back of his knees, making Shinji fall to the ground.

"OWW! What was that for?!" Shinji complained. Asuka just made a face and ran away leaving him on the ground.

Asuka mocked him "I'm walking, how can you not catch up!!" she yelled at him while running away.

Shinji gets up to dust the dirt off his pants,

'I bought these pants on sale she can't just do that!'

While continuing walking to school, he caught a glimpse of a boy with silver hair and crimson eyes, staring at him from the corner of his eye "Have I... seen him before?" Never mind that Shinji had to go to school.


Shinji walks into the classroom,

"your late.. again."
The teacher said.

"It's not my fault! truly! It was Asuka's fault!-"

"Sit down, Ikari."

On his way to his seat, Asuka mouthed "Snitch" with a snarky look.

Shinji sat down and waited for class to start.

"Alright class, good morning, Please welcome our new student,"

the teacher said. "Care to introduce yourself?" She said quietly.

The new student walked through the door. A pair of crimson eyes and silver hair walked through the door

'That's the guy who I saw this morning,'

"My name is Kaworu Nagisa, Pleased to meet you."

"Sit wherever." said the teacher.

Nagisa walked over to the desk next to the window, next to Shinji.

'Should I introduce myself? Maybe I should.'

"Hi, my name is Shinji Ikari, Nice to meet you," Shinji said with a small smile. Kaworu smiled back. "Nice to meet you."


Hi guys!! First chapter tell me feedback on my writing pls🙏🙏.
It was so tempting to add emojis in this story.😕😭😭😭

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