Chapter 5

148 5 8

In Shinji's POV
September 4, 2015

Music is a magnet
I turn off the alarm and I go back to sleep. I don't wanna get up. It's way too early. Why do I have to wake up again?


I turn off the alarm again and go back to sleep. I don't want to get up. Just five more minutes.

"GET UP!!"
I flinch as I did not expect something that loud.
"It's like 6:30.." I mutter.
I look up and I see Asuka, she looks pretty upset.


"quiet down, I just woke up, plus my mom doesn't like hearing profanity."
I say tiredly.

"I'm not your personal alarm clock ya know!" Asuka saying annoyed

"Fine, I'll get up. Just get out so I can change."

"HMPH! you better hurry, school starts at

"Dont slam my door Shinji!" my father yelled
"That wasn't me!"
"DON'T slam my door, Shinji!" my father said more sternly

(10 minutes later)

"I'm Ready, let's go."
"Bye, ms. Ikari!" Asuka politely said
"Bye Asuka! you keep an eye on Shinji for me alright?"
"You bet I will! Byee!"
The door closes and suddenly Asuka is a different person.

"Where's my money?"
Asuka asks with an eager look
"Uhm.. What are you talking about?"
I ask playing dumb.
"The homework answer money, ya know? Homework answers??"
She says while tapping her foot impatiently
"Oh... Um here.."
I give her the money and we continue walking.. Well— technically running because we're late.

I walk into the room first but Asuka zooms in with a late pass.
She left to use the bathroom.
Well judging by that late pass she left me for the office.

"Ikari, if you are late again I'm going to be forced to call your parents."
"Sorry, Ms. Akagi! It won't happen again."
"It better not."

I glance at Kaworu and he's gesturing for me to sit next to him. I walk over and sit down and I greet him.

"Good morning kaworu."
"Good morning, Shinji"
I didn't know what to say to him, not after seeing those photos. I think I should tell Asuka.

Asuka stays still but I can tell she heard me.
"WHAT!" Asuka mouthed
I slide her a note.
"Meet me in the bathroom."
She stared at it, she didn't say anything but she blushed a little.

She turns the paper around and starts writing, then she crumbles it up and throws it at me.

I open it and it reads
"I'm not going in the bathroom with you! Perv!!"

I whisper "That's not why!"
"Then what's the reason??" Asuka quietly asks
"Just go!" I loudly mouth
"Fine!" Asuka whispers

I raise my hand and wait for Mrs. Akagi to answer my question.
"Yes, ikari?"
"May I go to the restroom?"

I get up and start walking to the bathroom, I can feel the stares I'm getting from everyone.

(Nobody is staring at him)

I wait at the outside entrance to the bathroom for Asuka. I waited for about 5 minutes till Asuka finally came.

"So what did you wanna tell me? If it's a confession, I don't accept!"

"No No! I just wanted to let you know about something."
I proceeded to show her what I saw last night.
"Well.. It's something?" Asuka says with a confused face

"I know it's really.. weird"

"Is that all? That your little "friend" has been looking at you in pictures? Ugh, you took me out of class for no reason. Just be best friends now since you are so worried about him!! or maybe just be a man and confront him!"

"Jeez, no need to be so mean about it.."

"Whatever! I'm going back to class!"


Well, at least she didn't hit me.

I went back to class and sat down next to him but by the time I returned, I had to go to lunch.

I went into the science room's lab to eat, a little odd, I know— It was just the only place that's quiet so I could listen to music.

(knock knock)
"Hello?" somebody asks softly
I look at the door and it's— it's.. It's Kaworu
I don't understand why I'm nervous to see him.

"Uh- hey, Kaworu."
"What are you doing?"
"I'm listening to music while eating."
"Can I see what your listening to?
nobody has ever been interested in what I listen to. Not even my parents
"I like this song."
"Oh- uh, this one's my favorite."
"Can I listen with you?"
I don't know why but I get flustered at the thought of listening to music with someone, not to mention that person was Kaworu.
"..sure" I take off one of my earbuds and give kaworu one.
He sat next to me and just took a nap while listening to music. I had already finished my food and I felt very tired,  I leaned on Kaworu's shoulder for support and dozed off.

IM SO SORRY!!! I forgot to write but I had a draft but wasn't done writing .😭🤧 / I also found out this story was on #1 for the Kawoshin "#" I just wanna say tysm to everyone who read this🫶☺️

You're kind of weird. (kawoshin)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя