-chapter 2-

210 9 1

3rd person
Angels awakening
September 3rd, 2015
"So what do you like to do?" Kaworu asked
"Well, I like to read.." Shinji said while looking away a little

"What do you like to read? In genre I mean." Kaworu said curiously
"Well.. I usually read mystery and physiological books." Shinji responded

"That's nice. I good to know that somebody I know is interested in books." Kaworu said smiling
causing Shinji to get flustered

"Would you like to be friends?" Kaworu asked kindly
"Well.. if you want to.. yeah." Shinji replied

"I'm glad to be friends with you, ikari." Kaworu said

"HEY! NO TALKING!" The teacher said to the both of them

Shinji quickly turned around and got back to work


Psss" ... "psss" Shinji wakes up from his nap, mid wayclass he doze off in to a nap which leads him to be woken up by....  Who woke him up? 

In a soft voice Kaworu says "Ikari, it's time to go home." "Oh! Uh..um ok! Thank you for waking me up.." Shinji rushes.

Everyone is already leaving and he still hasn't packed up, and Asuka did say she wasn't going to wait for him. Kaworu quietly asked, "Do you want me to help you?"


" I mean, would you like me to help you pack up?" Nagisa asked.

"You don't have to!" Shinji quickly says, Nagisa begins to pick up Shinji's notebook, he puts it in Shinji's bag, "I'm guessing that means I can help." Nagisa smiled , making Shinji smile a little.

Shinji finished packing up with the help of Kaworu, he was a little late going home so he was probably going to get a lecture from his father. Just as he was walking out, Nagisa stopped him to ask him something.

"Do you mind if I walk with you?" Nagisa asked with a smile on his face. "Uh.. Sure! but.. I'm not sure we're going to catch up with Asuka." Shinji replied.

they went out the classroom door and Shinji spotted a certain somebody, Asuka, to be exact. She was around the corner, waiting for Shinji.

Asuka yelled "What took you so long!! I was waiting for you to come out so we could walk home together!" "I thought you weren't going to wait for me?" Shinji responded "I said no such thing! Now let's g- wait.. . your bringing the new student.?" Asuka asked confused. "Well, he asked if he could come with me so yeah." Asuka shot back "Whatever."
I actually wanna add emojis but I'm afraid it's gonna ruin the fuckibg uhh idk Kawoshin experience😕

I have no excuses for not writing for 2 days I just forgot lol.  😿

Please comment your feedback and recommendations 😘

You're kind of weird. (kawoshin)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن