Chapter-37 4th Hokage

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Then i made my way to fight Kakashi we started off by hand and hand combat it was intense
"Woah kura is good!"said my mom as he was amazed and my dad was just looking at our fight
"Not bad kid"said Kakashi as I smirk
"You too.."i said and then he did Chidori and I did Rasengan
"Rasengan?"said jiraiya in shock
"He can also do Rasengan?!!"said my mom
"Where did you learn that from?"Kakashi asked
"It's a secret"i said as we ran towards its others and crash manking a small explosion and we back away
"Say sensei should i finished this once for all?"i ask
"Sure"he said as I smirk then I decided to form the sun release i know it's bad but I'll make sure nothing happens to anyone
"Sun release!"i shouted as I throw it towards Kakashi and he used rock to block and I send one of my clones to take Kakashi out of the way
"Sun release?! It looks exactly like Rasengan?!"said my mom
"But it's yellow"my dad said
And before it could hit the rocks Kakashi made and he was standing behind it i took him out of there and it hit the rock and crash everything behind it and made a big deep way surprising everyone and they had a terrifying look especially my mom
"You okay sensei?"i ask to Kakashi
"Umm..yea thanks for saving me"he said as he knew if he stood there he was done for sure
"So powerful it took down a whole mountain..."said my dad as he looked at me in horror
" you do that..."my mom ask in terror
"Don't worry Naruto....and I'm sorry for the damage I'll leave for now"i said as i let go of Kakashi and left the place and nobody stop me
"His no ordinary..."said jiraiya
"My life would have ended if I stayed there"said Kakashi
I dint expect him to be this strong"said sasuke as he clench his fist
"Kura...."said Naruto as he looked at the damage menma did
"You guys should be careful"said Kakashi and everyone nooded

To menma

After I left I saw Itachi and kisame
"That was very powerful jutsu.."said kisame
"It was nothing"i said
"Sun release....hmmm what kind of jutsu is it?"my uncle asked
"It's a kind of jutsu only can be learn by specific person"i said
"So your a specific person?"ask my uncle
"I can't answer that...and even I told can never learn it not in this life or next life"i said
"Very what kind of jutsu do you want Itachi to teach you?"kisame asked
"Do you have the sharingan?"my uncle asked
"Ofcourse I'm from an uchiha clan after all"i said as i active my left eye sharingan but I was still closing my right eye
"What about the other eye?"ask kisame
"I don't quite wanna use it...uncle show me all your jutsu and moves and I'll copy them and remember them"i said as I got ready
"Very well..."said my uncle as we started to fight
And my uncle was strong....i had lots of fun fighting with him he used all of his technique and jutsu and i copied them all with my sharingan
"Your not bad..."said my uncle as we were done with the fight
"Thanks uncle your not that bad either I'm am honoured to have an uncle like you"i said as i bowed down and i can see a small smile on my uncle face
"I'm glad to have a niece like you"said my uncle
"So your from the future can you tell something?"ask kisame
"Well I can tell much...but the future is quit awful and everything is going bad"i said making both of them serious
"No need to worry in this timeline everything was bad but for the next timeline it good good but in my timeline it's worse"i said as I turn around and open a portal making both of them shock
"How?!"aks kisame
"What are you..."ask my uncle
"Don't worry uncle I'm just going to pay my grandfather a little visite"i said as I hop inside the portal
"Seeing a kid do that...makes me wonder what happened in the future"said kisame
"Whatever it is it's not our concern"said Itachi

To menma

Menma pov:

After that I went to meet my grandfather ofcourse his no other then namikage Minato as I came out fo the portal I can see the village was more older than last time and my mom and dad isint born yet... So i decided to walk for a bit hiding my presence and went straight to the hokage office ofcourse to stalk at my grandfather
And when i was inside the room without asking any permission it was kinda rude but I can't make any scene yet and then I saw my grandpa working and there was tons of paper in his deak....really till this days there are still many works...being hokage might be a pain in the ass...
I was there the whole day and when he finally went home I saw my grandmother carrying my mom and...i was surprised my grandma was sure beautiful and not to mention my mom looks just like my father...but as I stalk them longer i just realise even tho my mom looks like my grandfather he dosent even a bit resembles his coolness but his mom personality and it was absolutely cute..and I also notice Kakashi sensei looks after my grandmother and mom. I guess my dad asked him to do but I'm glad there is someone looking after them...after morning breakfast my grandfather always left for work and come back late at night and my grandmother just do house works and mostly sleep in the noon and i quite enjoy's sad that my mom couldn't experience what parents love is...

Thank you guys for reading even tho it's kinda...i don't know i appreciate you guys for the views and like and ofcourse comments..and I'll try my best to reply them 😁😁😁 and ofcourse please don't forget to check out my other stories

Stories recommendations: minakaka
It was inspired by an BL anime called junjou romantic from the side couple shinobu x miyaki
So please don't forget to check that out❤️❤️

Over na dout

Sasunaru but a little bit different and trying to make another version of borutoWhere stories live. Discover now