Chapter-9 Questions?

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Letter to sasuke teme
Its been 8 years sasuke....when are you coming back since boruto turned 6 he keeps on asking where is his mom and who is she and says doesn't i even have mom and i think he has quite forget about the fact that he does not have a mom but two dads I'm not surprised they dont know about you. You left so early and they dint even have a chance to see you face nicely i just told them that you are away for work and will be coming soon i have been telling them for 2years now they bearly ask but menma dint ask anything he's calm and silent like you sasuke and you know boruto wish is to celebrate his birthday with his mom haha... But he don't know I'm his mom i miss you so much sasuke and i don't even have time to look after them i let Sakura-chan look after them all the time but even if you come back how will we tell them that they don't have a mother but dads and surprisingly menma think he don't have a mother because he thinks when he was a baby he saw only 2 man he used to say "dad i don't think i have a mother because i still remember things when i was a baby i saw you and dark long hair man covering his eyes and black eyes"he used to say that I guess he still kinda remember but boruto takes after me he's a bit crackhead haha!! However when you see this letter please write me back!

From Naruto dattebayo

"Here take this to sasuke"said Naruto after tying the letter to the hawk

To sasuke takes off the letter from the hawk leg

"What a bad handwriting Naruto"sasuke chuckled to himself
"I miss you too dobe and i promise to come back soon"said sasuke after reading it

Back to Naruto

"Dad!!!!"said boruto slamming the door
"Ahhh!!! boruto knock first!"said Naruto
"I did you dint say anything?!"said boruto
"Really??"said Naruto
"Yes dad boruto dint lie this time"said menma
"Ohh gomen boruto menma i think i must be spacing out again"said naruto                                     
"You will get sick father if you continue like this take some rest sometimes"said boruto worriedly looking sad                                                                                                                                            "yea"said naruto and luaghing nervously

Menma was getting suspicious

"Is there any other reasons behind it dad?"ask menma looking dead into naruto eyes                   
"Why you think that menma?"said naruto getting more nervous                                                           
 "Father are you hiding from us that we should know about?!"said menma cold voice                     
"Is it about mom!?"said boruto loudly                                      "I think you guys should leave i have many works to do"said naruto ignoring the questions       
"No until you tell us what is happening"said boruto shouting                                                             
 "Its okay boruto lets go"said menma touching boruto shoulder                                                             
"Why menma i wanna know the truth"said boruto camly    "I'll tell you something instead lets leave dad alone"said menma                                                         
"Ok only if you say"said boruto leaving the room                "Father i hope you tell us the truth soon even im getting impatient"said menma with a very cold voice like sasuke and left the room                                                                          "huh...menma is just like sasuke even he got his cold voice ugh! so creppy TvT well i dont think i have many time left please sasuke come back soon"said naruto looking down to work again  

To menma and boruto they are now sitting at the great stones of the fourth hokage

"What is it menma you wanted to say?"said boruto camly  "boruto! do you think we have a mom or not?"said menma                                                                     
"I dont know dad never let us talk about mom it makes me think we dont have a mom"said naruto sadly almost crying                                                                                                "Dont be sad boruto.....i think we dont have a mom because...."menma was trying to say something but was cutt off bu boruto                                                                            "Why you think that menma if we were not born from lady are we made of something?"said boruto curiously   
 "I don't know about that boruto but as long as i know in my memory there was dad a black hair man in whick his hair covers his other eyes"said menma looking at boruto  "You mean he is our father!!"said boruto in shock                  "No naruto is your dad cause you two look the same blue eyes yellow hair and same braincells and also you have his weird thing in his face'said menma                                            "but you also look like dad you also have blue eys and the weird thing but your hair is just black coulour like the man in your memory...!!! omg! dont tell me we have 2 dads  and 1 mom"said boruto in disbelieve                             "So you mean our mother is same but different father?"said menma                                                   
"Yea it looks like it lets go and ask old man!!"said boruto standing up                                                

At naruto office                                                                       

"Old man!!!"said boruto slamming the door                            "Boruto manners"said naruto                                                      "Dad did mom had 2 husband!!??"said boruto                 

Naruto chocked on his drink

*coughs*"what are you saying boruto no!"said naruto in disbeleive                                                     
"Then why do i kinda look like the guy in my memory he has black hair and i have too and you have the weird things in your face and i have one too"said menma lound and clear                           
"ummm..... wellll....hehe"said naruto nervously

The two kinds were getting very suspicious and was going near their father

"Spill it out dad!!"said boruto                                                      "well hahah...boruto menma why dont we talk about this some other days and you guys have school tommorow right  and more over its your first day of school you guys must sleep early and hahah its already 7pm go home and sleep"said naruto nervously laughing                         
"No dad we need answer now!"said menma but was cutt off when someone talk                   
"Hokage-sama we have found something strange please come and look at it"said a random anbu knocking the door                                                                                                    "See boruto menma work is calling me bye"said naruto smiling and running away                         
"Dad!! wai....."boruto was cutt off by menma                          "Its okay boruto it can't be help"said menma

After that boruto and menma went home cause they have school 


                                     End of Chapter-9~                                                                            


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