Chapter-3 Gift from God

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"hmm our earth and this universe is in great danger" said Naruto
"Tell us what can we do to save it?"s said Naruto
"Ye-a" said hinata
'Sasuke was just there listening to them'
"Well i want a child to reincarnate my youngest child" said the scary voice
" But why?"said sasuke
"Because without it he cannot be fully alive" said the scary voice
"Then how is your older son be reincarnated i don't think he have someone to help!" Said Naruto confusingly
"Hmm... However my older son has sent his children aka made by him toys to help him
search more power and a nice vessel" said the scary voice
"Well if your older son can make puppets why can't your younger child can't? Said sasuke curiously
"Great question Uchiha Sasuke and no he can't because this was something learned by him and only he and i could do it even though i gave my all my power to some of my
Technique is past down through blood" said the scary voice
"If you don't have any power that means you are dead how are you still talking to us? Said hinata
"Another great question little lady and it's because my younger son just gave me enough
power to do what i have to do and after that I'll die" said the scary voice
"Ohhh but still it doesn't say anything about you coming to me and sasuke instead of a
lady?" Said Naruto
"Well you see the Uzumaki Naruto your earth is the most strongest power holder on the planets and you have actually the a strong power or should we say chakara and even
sasuke has because you were all kinds the reincarnation of my two sons but not exactly
but somehow but your son will be fully the reincarnation of my two son!" Said the scary voice
"What you mean by me and Naruto son?said sasuke
"Well you see Uchiha Sasuke has the legendary sharingan which was passed down by me!and my youngest son as he have my powers so if you fusion with Naruto your child
will be perfect reincarnation of my youngest son!!" Said the scary voice
"What do you mean fusion of me and sasuke?!!" Said Naruto boldly

Hinata was as red as tomato and sasuke was just ;-;

"" hinata just fainted
"Hinata!" Said Naruto and catch her
"Is she always like this?" Said the scary voice
"Sadly yes but what did you say that she fainted like this?" Said Naruto boldly
"This dobe!"said sasuke
"What teme!!!" Said Naruto and poured
Sasuke just rolled his eyes but he smiled a little
"It means that Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke will have to make a baby by their own blood and genes!!
"Ohhh!!!!" Said Naruto screaming
"But how like we don't have a wife"said sasuke
"You don't need wife you guys are gonna be the parents" said the scary voice
"What!!!!!!!!" Said Naruto and Sasuke together
"What!!! How well we have have baby I'm not a girl and neither sasuke is one!!" Naruto said screaming loudly
"And even if we did have who will carry the child!?" Said sasuke in quite a loud tone
"What!!! Even you sasuke!!?" Said Naruto
"Like he's a God i think it will be possible for him to let us get pregnant " said sasuke
"Yea right!" Said Naruto
"But why can't you just let hinata carry the child you can do it right?" Said sasuke
"Noice defend sasuke" said Naruto
"Yea i can do that but i would like Naruto more than her" said the voice
"What!!!!!!" Said Naruto
"Why tho?" Said sasuke
"Because i beleive if Naruto carries this child the child would be more powerful and talented and with the help of sasuke he will have the sharingan" said the scary voice
"Yea thats quite true" said sasuke
"But!!" Said Naruto
"I don't really care as long as I'm not the one carrying" said sasuke with a smirk
"Teme!!! Don't forget that this is your child too!!!!" Said Naruto
"Well yea it's gonna be mine too" said sasuke calmly
"But i there is one condition after this you can't touch another women not have a another
by with her it will affect this child!" Said the voice
"What!" Said Naruto
"Fine by me it's not like i have anyone i like and neither do you dobe!" Said sasuke
"Yea right hehe" said Naruto
"So that means you have to cherish this child as they are your blood related baby" said the scary voice
"Hnnn" said sasuke
"I have don't think sasuke will" said Naruto giving side eyes
"What you said dobe you think I'm not gonna be a great father!!??" Said sasuke
"Yea cause you emo teme I bet our child is going to be afraid of you! You emo!! Said naruto laughing
"You'll see naruto ill the best father better than you!" Said sasuke giving serious eyes
"Heh will see sasuke" said naruto
"Anyways Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke I am grateful that you except my request and naruto you shall be pregnant soon" said the scary voice

               End of chapter-3~

Sasunaru but a little bit different and trying to make another version of borutoWhere stories live. Discover now