"So you going to tell me why you're here Verjo and I will think about what we can do, you know how I lived and I have known since I was one that you have followed me around like a blasted lost puppy!"

"I am sorry about that Master but as you can tell you have had all three of my items since before you even kew that they were, I knew then at that tender age of just over a year that you would be my Master! and here you stand in front of me my treasures are yours just like I am yours"

"So what are you offering I know for a fact that since I turned 13 you have been whispering me spells and what not every chance you got and I mean every chance.." he glared at him "...I know you would only do that if you knew that I was going to die and I died just like you knew I was, so what is the plan?" he finally sat down

"The plan? Master I don't follow" he smirked his Master was a hard worker and he knew what he had planned even if he didn't want to say

"Shut up and tell me, we could go through this all for eons as no one else will ever fit the role of Master of Death"

Verjo sighed he knew his Master was right and so gestured for Harry to listen and not say anything until it was time to do so

"Very well Master as you known I'm Verjo, I am Death and only one known as the Master of Death can call me that name, I have watched you since you were but a year old whispering to you everything I knew and more, I kept your magic strong but nothing it was like until I got the parasite out of your damn scar

Next you and two others who were so close to get the name of Master of Death are now both dead but like you they had awful childhoods, your magic all sing or sung to me and I couldn't do a thing to help them as it was only your magic that seemed completely compatible, the two others well....let us say something was slightly off..."

"Who are thay?"

"You already know them you call one Idiot as he was stupid enough to split his sould seven ways to Sunday...."

"Come on really Tom?!"

"Yes his family the Guant's come from the second brother Cadmus Peverell who had the Resurrection stone he wanted to bring back his lover from the dead but she ran off with another while you Master are from the youngest brother Ignotus who had my cloak and that has been passed down through your family for generations"

"We were bloody related?!"

"That you were Master very distantly related but very much so related, now the one that came from the first brother Antioch well he was killed by a certain school mate of yours by the orders of his Master...."

"Dumbledore was killed by Snape!"

"No Master he was killed by Draco Lucius Malfoy, he won my Elder Wand which you won at..."

"Yes ok I won it at Malfoy Manor and I was given the cloak from Dumbledore when I was 11 and then I was given the first Snitch before we went on the run it had the Resurrection tone in it, so what I had all 3"

"You are all three Master, you are the most powerful if you just let your magic flow without holding back, you have died many times only to come back alive and lastly you have hidden yourself from me but I always found you before you disappeared again due to that parasite but you can no longer hide"

"And... I know there is something else who is the other?"

"You know him as well someone that has protected you all of your school life only to die by a snake bite"

"You mean Snape!"

"The very one Master, the two need someone that will care for them and save them from the abuse that they have obtained since they were born from people that was meant to protect them, Tom didn't have that even at Hogwarts he was cold and distant due to what that Orphanage did to him..."

"I saw the memories thanks so what about Snape?"

"...well he was abused by his very own father who was an abusive drunk and his mother couldn't do much to help him unless his father was passed out drunk, he did have someone that he loved..."

"...my mother!"

"Yes Lilly, they meet at 9 and became fast friends and were in love until that prank from your father and godfather... both were so upset about it and she sadly turned on him and fell in love with James... they love to talk about you in the after life we all have tea"

"Really you have tea time with my mother and Snape"

"We do and he has agreed if you are willing to save him as well as Tom"

"An if I do what then?"

"They will be raised by you as their father you will be given a new name and identity, the boys will be classed as twins as Tom was born 31st December 1926 and Severus was 9th January 1960, but I can easily change Tom's date of birth to match Severus' as it would be easier and they will be at an orphanage instead"

"My new name and everything?"

"I was thinking Errikos Ignotus Peverell, Lord Peverell-Gryffindor-Hufflepuff-Slytherin-Ravenclaw if you are agreeable to your? you will be better known as Lord Peverell"

"Will Dumbles know it's me?"

"No he won't now for your background the goblins will have it anyway but I will tell you either way, you will be 25 years old birth date the same 1935, father of two Thomas Marvolo and Severus Tobias Peverell birthday 31st December 1959, you'll be living in Slytherin castle and you will have all of your vaults so don't worry about that you are the very important Lord that no one wants to cross"

"So you're saying I'm all powerful?"

"In a sense yes as you will have my magic that you were born with as well as financial and political power Lord Peverell is the Lord among Lords, so Master will you?"

"Save two children and myself why not if I can give them a life that we all wanted before Albus too many names Dumbledore can get his hooks into them then sure I will do it but question..."


"What about my looks? I look like my father with my mothers eyes, also what about the future me when I'm born in 1980?"

"Well that was two questions..."

"Don't get smart Verjo"

"Sorry well to answer the first question you won't look like them and the second the future you well I don't really know but I for one won't be able to bring that you back in time if that is what you were worried about"

"No not really, I guess I'll head back and get Tom and Severus then"

"Very well Master" he waved his hand and Harry started to disappear "I will be with you Master any time you need me" and Harry vanished

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