Midnight Talks

396 14 82

Just sleep deprived people chillin'

HC: since OJ shattered a lot in season 1, I like to think human OJ is just mad clumsy and gets hurt easily





"Pickle is that you?"

Pickle whipped his head around to see OJ standing behind him. His ginger hair tied into a bun, in a black turtleneck and orange pants. His green eyes seemed tired but watched Pickle with genuine concern.

"You uh... alright?"

Pickle scrambled to try to explain him squatting in front of the fridge, his eyes puffy and red and the muffled scream he made. Every second he hesitated, OJ looked at Pickle with increasing concern. Gotta think of something super quick and super convincing.

"Uhh.... I hit my head... on the fridge... yeahhhhhhhh..."

OJ raised a brow at him, not convinced a single bit.

"I happened to be walking by and I heard a bang and a shout. I guess it was you. So, what's really wrong?"

Damn it. OJ's not going to be fooled easily... Pickle though, and he hurriedly changed the subject.

"Yeah yeah. Well, what are you doing at..." he check his phone, "3:45 in the morning?"

OJ's soul seemed to have left his body a bit when asked this question. He closed his eyes and rubbed them, sighing deeply.

"Hotel manager isn't an easy job ok? I still have lots of paperwork to do, plus people to tend too."

"Oh wow... that sucks..."

OJ signed again, "Sure does. Especially when one of your closest friends refuses to explain why he's having a meltdown in front of the fridge at 3:45 AM."

Pickle made a face at OJ as he huffed, "I'm... I'm not having a meltdown!"

OJ rolled his eyes and sighed. Then he suddenly sat next to Pickle, his back resting against the kitchen sink base.

"Can't sleep?"

Pickle blinked at him in surprise, but answered softly, "Yeah..."

He shifted uncomfortably, not sure whenever to tell OJ what was on his mind. If Pickle was being totally honest, sometimes he blamed OJ for Taco becoming so angry. If OJ didn't win, maybe Taco would still be with him right now. But he quickly shook off that malicious thought all the time. First place or not, Pickle was going to find out one way or another that Taco wasn't who he thought she was. It was probably for the better that Pickle knew who she really was before he got too close to her. Plus, it isn't OJ's fault at all, he won fair and square and didn't know Taco's true identity.

OJ must of noticed Pickle's internal turmoil and spoke softly, "You don't have to tell me anything if you don't feel comfortable. Just know I'm here for you."

Pickle smiled a bit, it was nice of OJ not to try to force his way into Pickle's personal problems, but have a nice bro to bro moment. "We used to hangout a lot more when we were on II... We should fix that... I think I should do that with everyone..."

OJ smiled and put a hand on Pickle's shoulder comfortingly, "I think that's a great idea."

Pickle and OJ just sat in front of the fridge for while until it hit 4 in the morning. OJ got up carefully, trying to not bump his head on anything.

"Well, I should go back to work..."

"What?" Pickle stared at OJ completely bemused. "But it's really late."

OJ sighed, "These paperwork isn't going to finish themselves."

Pickle stared at OJ, if only he was so put together and constantly busy, maybe he wouldn't worry so much about Taco. Well, maybe he would have to worry about grey hairs and constant stress. Before OJ could take a step further, Pickle piped up.

"Wait! Let me walk you to your room at least!"

OJ glanced at Pickle in a state of confusion, "Why?"

"Well because you're clumsy as heck and I feel like you'll break a leg going up the stairs in the dark."

OJ chuckled and rolled his eyes, "Just because I tumbled a lot in II, doesn't mean I'm fragile as glass."

"Yeah yeah, can it ginger." Pickle teased as he stood up, "I'm just making sure we don't lose our manager and the hotel plunges into chaos. You should be thanking me OJ."

OJ punched Pickle's chest softly, "Jerk."

Pickle laughed, but he really was happy that this small moment with OJ lifted his spirits. Even if it was for a little bit, Pickle appreciated every second with OJ. He should really try to spend time with the other residents at the hotel. Maybe they'll help with distracting his thoughts about Taco.

Pickle and OJ talked a bit as they walked to OJ's room. After helping OJ up from tripping over air, Pickle was able to escort a still laughing OJ to his room.

"How the hell do you trip over air dude?" Pickle questioned as OJ continued to laugh about the slip up.

"I'm telling you, I don't know!"

"Well next time, know! Cuz you almost took me down with you!" Pickle teased.

"I know, I know!" OJ laughed while wiping a tear from his eye, "Thanks for walking me though. I appreciate it Pickle."

Pickle felt himself turn a bit shy. He wasn't expecting a genuine thank you.

"Oh uhh, yeah! No problem."

OJ smiled, as he unlocked his door, "Well, I'll see you in the morning. Try to sleep alright?"

"Oh, uhmm. Yeah! I'll try. 'Night."

"Goodnight Pickle."

OJ closed the door behind him. Pickle heard the click of a key, OJ must of locked his door. Pickle just stood in front of OJ's door for a bit, trying to process everything. In the moment talking to OJ, it felt like everything was ok. But now, it was quiet.

Too quiet.

The silence of the night was too loud.

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