I got to work on making the pancakes, knowing that even after 24 hours she's still tired and hungry from giving birth.

"Here you go my love." I showed her the plate of pancakes and sat down next to her, feeding her a forkful every couple moments while she fed Estella.

"I love you so much." She pouted before opening her mouth for another bite.

"I love you too, now eat up and I'll go burp and change little Ella." I took our daughter into my arms and walked upstairs to change her.


"Scarlett!" Lizzie cheered as she walked into the house with a massive smile.

We have been home for three days and the kids were coming home tomorrow.

"Elizabeth!" I cheered back and gave her a hug.

"Where's little Estella?" She asked looking around for her sister and her niece.

"Amber took her upstairs to feed her and change her."

"Actually, I'm right here with the cutest little stitch." Amber said as she walked over with Estella laid against her chest.

"Oh she is just adorable!" Lizzie went to take her but amber pulled away

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"Oh she is just adorable!" Lizzie went to take her but amber pulled away.

"Hands, wash your hands and maybe greet your sister before you steal her baby." Amber laughed and walked into the living room while I stayed with Lizzie while she washed her hands.

"Now can I hold her?" Lizzie asked as we got comfortable on the couch.

"Mhm, gently though. I didn't spend 10 months growing this little princess for you to ruin her." Amber joked handing Lizzie Estella before getting up to lay on me.

"You okay my love?" I asked as I played with her hair.

"Yeah, missing my babies and sleep."

"I miss them too but they are home tomorrow." I told her as I looked up to see Lizzie staring down at Ella with a massive smile. "You okay there Lizzie."

"My baby sister had a baby." She pouted looking at us. "She's not a baby any more."

"I've had kids for almost three years liz, I haven't been a baby for years." Amber laughed and moved so she was still laying on me but she was now watching her sister.

"I know but I just can't believe you made this." Lizzie smiles again and rubs estella's cheek.

"Well I have the stretch marks to prove it." Amber replied and moved once again so she was cuddled into my chest again.

"So when do you guys go back to work then?" Lizzie asked as she took a few pictures.

"I have to start filming in two months but other than that I'm free to be with my three babies for non stop for two months."

"And I decided I'm gonna take a break for a while and be a stay at home mom because during pregnancy I loved being home with them." Amber said into my chest, her hand playing with the ends of my hair. "I'll most likely go back to work when cosmo is in school so when Ella is 1. But she'll go to daycare with cosmo when she's 8 months so I can slowly get back into working and slowly get us both used to not having each other almost all day everyday."

"That sounds like a great plan, this cutie gets her momma and I get to be able to come when ever I want because I know she'll be her." Lizzie jokes as she coos at Ella.

"Is it too late to go back to work sooner?" Amber joked, she knows she can go back to work whenever she wants or never at all.

"I know people hate when they get asked this but do you actually know when you want more or if you still want more." Lizzie asked still not taking her eyes off of the baby.

"We were thinking maybe when Ella is one that we would start looking into having another." I answered as I could see amber was starting to fall asleep.

She's still recovering and it's taking a lot of energy especially when you add on making a stable milk supply to feed a baby and looking after a of the baby.

Yes I help but she still has to use energy to help because I'm exhausted and I didn't give birth and I'm not healing.

"Babe, why don't you go lay down and me and Ella will come join you when your sister leaves." I whispered in her ear and she nodded and got up, saying her goodbyes to Lizzie.

Not proof read.
1278 words.

I want it all if you let me~ scarlett Johansson Where stories live. Discover now