I know.

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We spent the next few hours doing everything we wanted. We watched a movie, ordered takeout, and gossiped about random stuff, she told me about how it is to live in London and we even baked brownies.

How I missed baking with her! She is the reason why I got into it in the first place. I used to sit and watch her bake when I was a kid. I even helped her sometimes.

I have felt this nice and happy after a long time. These two to three days have been so good....I can't even fathom it.

Maybe it's all a dream. If it is, I don't ever want to wake up.

By the end of the day, we were tired and just relaxing in the living room.

"Alia, I am really glad that Dhruv got married to you....whatever the circumstances were, the outcome is the best. I really love spending time with you....just like old times. You are the daughter I never had..." Kirti Aunty said looking emotional.

"Yes, Mom. I'm glad. I really had fun today. And you already know, I have always loved you like my mother."

She smiled and removed the two gold bangles she was wearing and forwarded them to me. She has always worn them since I can remember.

"Here, Raman's mother gave them to me. They are the family's heirloom. You should wear them now." She said placing them in my hand.

"Oh...Thank you. They are beautiful." I looked at them and smiled.

They were beautiful. The carvings on them and the beautiful shine they still had....they were gorgeous.

"You might not know Alia...but I have had two miscarriages before Dhruv. Both girls." She said.

She....What? Why have I never heard of this before?

I looked at her and she continued,"Dhruv....he is a blessing to us. We love him so damn much. And you Alia....I don't know why but I just feel a different kind of connection with you. I don't know if you can feel it but It's like... there's something, you know."

"I know. I have always felt it too."

"Right? See I know how Monika treated you..... in fact how everyone in your house treated you."

I lowered my gaze. Of course, she does.

"And it was so wrong. So so wrong. But you will get all the love you deserve here, alright? From me, from Raman.....from Dhruv. Just know that."

"Uhm....I know Mom. I know." I looked at her and gave her a small nod.

She smiled and kissed my forehead,

"Ok so enough being so emotional. Tomorrow is your reception and your face looks extremely tired. We need to fix that!" She got up and walked towards the kitchen.

I followed her and asked "What? How?"

"I'll make you a perfect face mask!"


"Hm...now tell me. What all have you got."

She put together a facemask in a few minutes. She added beetroot juice, honey, coconut oil, lemon and a little bit of curd and made a semi-thick paste.

"Now....we'll put it in the fridge for some time and then apply it to your face. Keep it for half an hour and then wash it off." She instructed me.

"Okay. Cool."

Just then the door of the apartment opened and Dhruv and Raman uncle entered.

"Hi, ladies! Hope you had a nice time." Dhruv said.

"Of course we did! You both just came too early." Kirti Aunty replied.

"Oh....we weren't missed then I suppose, son." Raman uncle said keeping an elbow on Dhruv's shoulder.

"Yes, Dad. It seems like it."

They have such a sweet father-son relationship. And the way they treat Kirti Aunty....like a queen.

"Aacha abb bass kro drame. Let's have dinner." Kirti Aunty said.

(OK, stop this drama now.)

"Yess ma'am!" They both replied together.

So cute!!!!

At the dinner table, we told both of them all about what we did the whole day and they were just listening to us and grinning from time to time.

I feel so warm and so in place with them. Like finally....I'm home.

After dinner, we asked them to stay the night but they completely refused, giving us some "privacy", and went back to their hotel.

I was picking up the plates and stuff from the table and keeping them in the kitchen. There weren't many dishes to clean and I wanted to do it before we slept.

Dhruv walked towards me took the last two plates from my hand and said, "I'll do the dishes, you might be tired doing so much the whole day."

He's saying that? He was the one who was out all day!

"Wait a minute.....I should be the one saying that. You worked the whole day. I was just chilling at home."

I took the plates from his hands and before he could protest I said, "And you should go take a shower and be fresh, you look exhausted. I can finish here."

"As you say then."

He went into the shower and I finished with the dishes.
I opened the fridge and saw the face pack Kirti Aunty had made.

I have forgotten about it. Now it has become really cold. I took it out and applied it to my face.

COLD!!! It's soooo cold.

The red paste was cold but very refreshing. It calmed my muscles. Maybe because of the coconut oil or something, the face mask dried and turned into patches. It was looking so weird.

I was winding up the mess in the living room when Dhruv came out of the washroom.

Here's another chapter!!!

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