Zac picked up the butcher knife

Zac: Give me the name

The man looked at the knife stuttering

Man: I think they call him Dino maybe

Zac: Are you sure because I need you too be sure because their blood is going to be on your hands

Man: I'm positive

Zac: see that wasn't so hard was it,

Man: Since I told you will you let me go

Zac: Now I can't do that you may go to the police

Shaking his head

Man: No I won't say a word

Zac: Oh I know you won't say a word

Zac stood behind the man pulled his head back and sliced his throat.

Zac: Damn I got blood on my suit, throw him in the incinerator

Tip: Got it I'll clean it all up

I just got word the accountant was able to trace the money and stop the transaction.

Zac: Good I'm about to see what I can find out about this Dino person. Keep your phone on you I may need you to roll with me later

Tip: No doubt

Zac and Fatima were both both handling business but in the back of their minds they were both curios about each other. They both were trying to find out information about each other. Little did they know they were one in the same. A mirrored reflection of each other when Zac looked in the mirror he seen a female version of himself which was Fatima. Zac didn't have to know a lot about T from what he seen and heard from the street she was nothing to play with.

Fatima had eyes on Zac from the time he left his spot unlike her he was easy to find. Fatima liked the way Zac carried himself and he was wearing the hell out of that suit he had on. Fatima wasn't easily impressed but something about Zac intrigued her.

Fatima followed a little behind him, she was surprised he didn't have his right hand man with him. He probably thought nothing could pop off at an office building with a lot of people. If someone wanted you gone it didn't matter where you were.

Zac got in the elevator took it up to the top floor. She watched as Zac lead the meeting. He had all them white folks fooled they just didn't know he was one of the biggest drug dealers in New York.

Receptionist: Can I help you ma'am

Fatima/T: No I'm leaving

Fatima headed to the elevator Zac was running to catch the elevator

Zac: Can you hold the elevator please

Fatima was about to let the door close but she held it

She held her head down and kept her hand on her gun

Zac: Thank you

Fatima/T: You're welcome

Zac was trying to peep the woman without being obvious

Fatima felt Zac's eyes scanning her over

Fatima/T: I heard you have been looking for

Zac looked up and realized it was T in the flesh

Zac: If it isn't the infamous T, you're a hard woman to find. I couldn't find anything out on you

Fatima/T: Yeah I make it a point to keep it that way I have a lot of enemies

Zac: Shit me too

Fatima/T: You on the other hand were easy to find

Zac: I like it that way so people think it's easy but I am always too steps ahead of everyone. Except you I didn't see you coming.

Fatima/T: Well I guess I should say thank you for saving my life

Zac: My pleasure so now you owe me

Fatima/T: I don't owe you shit you better take the thank you and run with it

Zac: Ouch I'll take that for now

Fatima: Good

They both got off in the parking garage

As soon as they stepped off Fatima knew something was off

She pulled her dun from her waist

Zac:Dang you gone shoot me now

Fatima/T: There's someone clocking us in the black Charger

Zac pulled out his gun fast

Fatima started walking towards the car before she could get close they rolled the window down and started firing

Fatima and Zac both emptied their clips.

Fatima had a perfect shot she took one of them out for sure

Zac: Looks like we both got a lot of enemies

Fatima/T: Looks like we both got an enemy name Dino

Zac: He won't be alive for to much longer

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