Chapter 2: That feeling...

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The next day, at morning they were still asleep as they went to bed late so Rusty's mom was gonna wake them up but then Big Man offered to wake him up himself, she accepted because she was eating breakfast but Big Man had already finished so he went to wake them up, he opened the door and then walked towards the bed to find this scene, Gus and Rusty were next to each other and hugging so Big Man said: Hey!, wake up you two lovebirds

Gus and rusty woke up and when they opened their eyes they saw that they were hugged and so close to each other that they jumped, Gus jumped to the other side of the bed and Rusty moved the bed as he was already in his side of the bed, Gus said: S-sorry

Rusty: I didn't mean to-

Big man interrupted to say: Yeah yeah, just come eat breakfast, i won't tell anyone

Gus: Thanks Big Man

So Gus and Rusty went to eat breakfast and there was a bit of awkwardness between them but eventually it went away, they finished breakfast and went to play, Rusty was hanging from a rope he had in the house, but Gus hurt a bit his arm while going back and forth because it was still healing, when Gus hurt his arm Rusty immediately went to where he was to help him, and asked him: Are you ok? What happened?

Gus: I hurt my arm in the last battle against the last men, after we all thought abbot was dead, he still had a little bit of life in him and used a weapon to put a crossbow between my arm and my body

Rusty: We gotta get you to mom, can you walk?

Gus: Yeah i think

Rusty took Gus to his house helping him so that he wouldn't hurt his arm, Gus could walk perfectly fine but Rusty still was there, Rusty called out: Mom!!

Ms.Anderson: Yes rusty?

Rusty: Gus hurt his arm while the battle with the last men and now he hurt it again while playing with a rope

Ms.Anderson: Quick go get the first aid kit and 2 pieces of fabric for his arm

Rusty: Ok

Rusty went search for them and he grabbed the first aid kit and 2 pieces of fabric that he found around in the house

Rusty: Here they are mom

Ms.Anderson: Thanks Rusty

Rusty was there watching how she grabbed a few things to put something to stop the the few blood because what Gus's gang had put him was already full of the old blood and then she stitched the 2 pieces of fabric and put them around his shoulder and his arm so that he didn't move it, Gus said: Thanks

Ms.Anderson: You'r welcome Gus

Rusty: So how do you feel now Gus?

Gus: I feel better now

Rusty: Good

Rusty: Wanna go play with the trains?

Gus: Ok

They spent most of the day playing with the trains, until it was 6:00 PM and Rusty offered to go dance a little with his discs, Gus quickly nodded yes and Rusty went to grab a few of his discs

[Music Playing] They danced till 7:12 because Ms.Anderson called them for dinner

They ate up and then Rusty asked Gus how he lost one of his antlers because Gus forgot to tell him that on the night before so Gus said: They took it with one of those big things for cutting-

Rusty said: A saw?

Gus: Yes, then they cut it

Rusty: Did it hurt?

Gus: Yeah, it kinda hurt

Rusty: Good thing they're gone now

Gus: I hope they are, but there might be more out there

Gus: Wanna hear all the story? yesterday we had to go sleep before i ended

Gus told him all that happened (Author: What happened is all that happened in season 2), Then they went and played with a few cars that Rusty had until Ms.Anderson told them: Boys! time to go sleep!

Gus and Rusty went to the same bed, as the day before, they sensed that same feeling more strong now, they still didn't know why but they kinda wanted to sleep like the day before, but at the end they didn't and they said:

Gus: Goodnight Rusty

Rusty: Godnight Gus, Sleep well!

Gus: You too!

So they both slept on each side of the bed, but they kind of got a little closer that the hands in their fingers could touch, After doing that they felt secure and now both turned a slight red, their hands touched accidentally, they both fell fast asleep with the same secure feeling inside

That feeling... (Gus x Rusty)Where stories live. Discover now