"Yeah well when that whore gets dragged back here in pieces, it'll make my day." Tinker commented bitterly. "Damn that Alfredo, if he ain't back in the next five minutes-"

"You're stressing too much." Tex reassured his elder sibling, pursing his lips to the side musing and looking over his shoulder. "Just another dumb bitch, not many of them who come knocking get any smarter."

"Except this one." I raised an eyebrow as Tink gestured towards me pointedly. As he eyed me wearily, I couldn't help the smile that caressed my lips. Tilting my head to Tex, I nodded. It was something that put Tinker on edge, the fact I could be a step or two ahead of them and it made him have to compensate for it. More traps, more restraints, he had to work hard to ensure I didn't step one toe out of line and even in doing so, I had exceeded his expectations and it cost him at least a little bit of stress until his other brother came back with a body or news.

"Okay, now I feel pride." I informed them.

"Hush up." Tex sighed wearily. "Unless you want me to break your other leg? Suits me just fine. Means more time in bed and you can depend on me." The more he dwelled on the thought, the more eager he became. His toothy grin spread wider as I yelped in pain from his sudden grip uttering a curse louder as I held the table. The pain pulsed and stretched throughout my body like lightning heading straight to my head and forcing it to pound and feel close to erupting.

Brittany made an attempt to move as if to try and comfort me as hot tears poured down my face only to get hauled back by the collar and positioned back on her seat.
"Already gonna have to carry you up later." Panting, I glared at him and made an effort to swat his hands away again. Once more he countered me, this time my body collapsing back on the chair in agony, covering my face so the next swear muffled against my fingertips as he cupped my calf in his hands. "Maybe we ought to come up with a safe word 'cause I could take you right here."

"Boy, I swear sometimes your mind is filthier than Alfredo's."

"Can't hold it against me Tink, Lori here knows the effect she has. I like them feisty."
"Time and place." His sibling stated simply.
"Fair enough." Tex relented his hold and exhaled loudly, I moaned from the overwhelming discomfort. My hair stuck to my face as I felt the cold sweat come over like a wave and remained laying down trying to adjust my vision so I no longer saw double.

"Oh you asshole." I finally bit back whimpering. Tex giggled in response but withdrew his hands.

"Speaking of feisty." He started back allowing his words to roll on his tongue, "I hear you've been causing some problems missy." Without sitting up, I could tell he had turned his attention to Brittany who didn't respond to him, verbally at least. Judging by the fact he snickered once more, it was clear she had allowed her facial expressions to talk for her and it was one of defiance. "You're being a bad influence on Junior's new playmate, sweetheart."

"Usually when more than one person has a problem with you, it's personal." I replied, "you are the problem." Flinching again, Tex tutted and tightened his grip.

"Enough backtalk for one day honey or I'll put you to bed now." He warned in a jovial manner which was transparent at best. He was getting on edge and I hoped that in his head his brain was ticking, paranoid at the possibilities of what Alfredo's prolonged absence could mean for himself and his family. In retaliation he was looking for someone to take it out on, he had already vented once. My sore and surely broken leg was the result of it but now he was gunning for his next victim to toy with. To use against me and he had chosen Brittany. "You know Mama still isn't sold on you little lady, Junior is though." Again, the redhead refused to respond and I could practically hear the clenching of Tex's teeth in not getting what he hoped for. Slowly, I pulled myself to sit and saw her sitting there stone faced and not wanting to give him the satisfaction. "Already putting down roots. He's a good kid but always puts his eggs in one basket." Junior gave a soft groan towards his cousin who just grinned back at him. "Got no need for brazen hussies. We look after our own here."

Malevolent (Tex Sawyer)Where stories live. Discover now