Chapter 16

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-Nako POV-

"WHY DID I DO THAT? MINJU, TELL ME!" What the hell did I land myself into? That just slipped out of my mouth... "Calm down, Nako. It is nothing too big of a deal and can you please loosen your grip on me? It's hurting." Oops, I just might have used too much strength on the poor girl. "My bad. BUT WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL? WHAT IF SHE TAKES IT SERIOUSLY?"

"I said calm down. If she takes it seriously, so be it. Let her chase you. Let her help you get over your fears with people that are way taller than you. Get rid of this fear soon. It's no longer a protected environment out there. There will be many people of Wonyoung's height working with you. You can't possibly leave them hanging, can you?" As Minju continued her lecture, I allowed it to sip into my brain. I knew she was not wrong and had a very fair point of argument, but there was one part of me still reluctant to let the past go.

"I will go make dessert for us both. Just sit there and think about it."

-Hitomi POV-

What has Nako done to Wonyoung... I am 1000% sure that Nako was joking when she said that, but Wonyoung is actually taking her words seriously, quite seriously at that. Poor Wonyoung. "Wonyoung ah, let's eat. Food has arrived."

"Unnie, give me a while. Let me finish this question, please~," Can I say no to that, obviously not. "Fine. It better be your last question."

"I'm done~ Let's eat. Sorry for making you wait unnie, I need to score well for the exams. Then Nako unnie will give me a chance to be her girlfriend." Yup, she actually took it seriously. What effect does Nako actually have on this bunny? "Wonyoung ah, do you actually think she was serious about it? It could be just a joke to keep the line going, you know?" I hate to be the one to break it to her, but I can't have her heartbroken so easily and early. "Yea, I know. I see where you are coming from. You don't want me to be heartbroken, do you?" I nodded. She continued, "I knew. I am just taking the chance that is given. I won't be heartbroken if it turns out to be a joke, no worries, unnie."

"That's a relief to hear. But don't take it too hard on yourself, alright?" It was her turn to nod now. "Come on unnie, let's eat." As I am advising Wonyoung, I also realised that I had things to think about. Do I really like Minju, or do I still have lingering feelings for Chaewon? I still have some time to figure it out, if anything I will just confess to Minju after the exams. I should probably figure this feeling out soon.

-Minju POV-

Hope Nako thinks through what I told her earlier, I need her to step out of her trauma with tall people. Just as I finished placing the fruits on the table, my phone buzzed.

<Yujin (Puppy)>

Puppy: Good day, Angel. I know it's rather late, so sorry for the intrusion. But would you and Nako like to study together with us?

Eh? Why such a sudden message? "Nako ya, Yujin is inviting us to study with them. Do you wanna go?" No response. Did she fall asleep or something? "I don't mind. Just ask about the time and where we are going to study. It better be a library, need not get distracted. Tsk." At least she spoke.

<Yujin (Puppy)>

Puppy: Good day, Angel. I know it's rather late, so sorry for the intrusion. But would you and Nako like to study together with us?

Minju: Good day to you too. Nako said it's fine with her. Just tell me about the time and place, though.

Puppy: It will be after school tomorrow, at my house. We should have dinner at my house too, so inform your parents. Alright Minju noona?

Minju: Oki, I will inform Nako about it, no worries.

Puppy: Thank you~ See you tmr, noona~ You are the best

Minju: No problem.

Why is Yujin texting this way? Doesn't she like Nako? And why in the world is my heart palpitating so fast? "Taking a liking to Yujin, huh?" I threw the pillow I was holding towards the source of the voice, none other than Yabuki Nako. "What did I do wrong- I was just stating a fact, man. No need for violence. I could cupid the both of you, if you want." Actually, that would be nic- WHAT AM I THINKING ABOUT!? I need to focus on my task given.

-Chaewon POV-

It feels awkward to have Yujin making plans for me when I am like a year older than her. "Yujin ah, are you sure that this will work out?" She nodded in response.

-Flashback (30 minutes ago)-

"Chaewon unnie, are you okay? You seem like you are thinking about something. Hitomi unnie, I am guessing?" How did she even know that I was thinking about Hitomi? Was I being that obvious? "Unnie, just tell me. I can help you, you know? Despite me being goofy all the time, I am the mighty Einstein in relationships."

"Fine, I am thinking about Hitomi alright." With Yujin nudging me, it was obvious I dissatisfied her with my response. And thus I continued. "I am questioning whether I still like her? I have a feeling towards Minju as well, but the one toward Hitomi feels foreign and yet familiar to me."

Yujin nodded before replying, "I see what you are thinking about. I have seen this coming miles away and I have a solution for your problem." My ears perked up as she said that. "Hm, what are you thinking about?"

"How about this? I invite the 4 of them to my house tomorrow after school under the pretence of studying, and you do what you deem necessary to confirm your feelings for each of them." Being confused about what she said at the back part, I shot her a glance of confusion.

She sighed before continuing, "Unnie, how come you can do the Sciences like a genius and be dumber than a 2-year-old in relationships? By saying doing whatever you deem necessary, I mean just have some conversation with them and have physical contact, that is not kissing or anything above. So that you can see what you feel about them. Not that hard."

"I am not waiting for you to confirm anything, I am just going to send the message to Minju and Wonyoung now. Think about it." She flushed me a cheeky yet oddly calming smile before turning to her phone to text the two she mentioned earlier, as I sat there dumbfounded, processing whatever she had said earlier.

-Flashback End-

"And done. Wonyoung and Hitomi agreed to it too. So, Chaewon unnie, time check, you have less than 20 hours to figure out how you are going to do this, taking away the time you take to sleep, you have less than 13 hours." My eyes widened at the sudden realisation that struck me. 13 HOURS? THAT IS BARELY ENOUGH-

"Ok, I have to go now. See you tomorrow, unnie, rest well!" How does she even expect me to sleep after dropping such a bomb on me?

-Minju POV-

"Bye Nako! See you tomorrow at school."

"Bye Minguri~ Rest well, you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow." What did she mean by that? It is of no help that she is winking at me too. What is even happening tomorrow? The only out of the ordinary thing that is happening tomorrow is the study session at Yujin's house. Omo, Yujin. Wait, why am I acting like this?

Walking out of the vicinity, there was a vibration in my pocket. Eh, who could call me now? As I saw the caller ID of the incoming call, I began frantically looking around to ensure nobody was around me. Why would he be calling me now? There was no way I could reject it, though. And thus I picked it up. "Good evening, sir. Is there a problem that requires you to call me at this hour?" I shuddered as the familiar raspy voice replied.

"Not really, just wanted to check on your progress. How is it going?"

"Ah no worries sir, I have got it all under my control. They will not be together in the foreseeable future, you can have my assurance."

"That is good to hear, I have to go now. Hope to hear more news like this from you."

"No worries." Finishing the last word, the call ended. But why is he so ruthless towards that relationship? Is there perhaps something in the past that bothers him? No matter what, I have to finish this task assigned, my scholarship is at stake. I am so sorry, Chaewon.

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