I never realised that people who were already famous might come onto this show. Maybe Fairouz and Brian would pick him for that reason. That was one more person who made it into the competition.

After he introduced himself as "Marco Zoido, 16, From Miami" he began to sing a slow, chill R&B rendition of a BTS song. He had a beautiful voice that sounded light yet husky, amplified by the huge theatre.

The audience hooted at him, edging him to give them more, and I internally joined in.

"He's probably going to get in," Grace said once he had finished. "He's appealing to everyone, apparently. Not unremarkable"

"Oh," I muttered.

"In fact, I can only think of three people who were genuinely bad," Grace continued. "I don't know who isn't going to make it."

Was I unremarkable? I could sing, and they gave me good feedback, but now that I think of it, Fairouz and Brian weren't too mean to anyone. Everyone who sang decently could think they were going in but be eliminated.

I hyper-focused on the screen to see the next contestant. Halle introduced them as the very last act of the day.

That meant elimination would occur soon. Right?

Suddenly, the least act ran onto the stage, familiar thick curls bouncing, and everyone collectively gasped and then cheered. I was no exception.

Ray Henley. It was her. The most popular contestant from last season, and would've probably won if it weren't for her lacklustre final performance. I wished she would've won honestly. Not because I thought she was good, but because then Dilemma wouldn't be a thing and I would know true peace.

"Wow, what's your name?" Fairouz joked and everyone laughed.

"Hello, my name is Ray," she replied. "I'm back!"

The audience cheered for her. I voted so hard for her in the finals last year.

"Damn," Janelle said. "I'm telling you, if Grace wasn't my girl, Ray would be."

"Same," Grace agreed.

Ray was an amazing singer and this audition was no exception. She sang a slow ballad this time, really showcasing intense and passionate vocals. I didn't even take time to speculate. She was guaranteed to be moving forward.

When she finished with thunderous applause, the screen powered off and a producer came out to announce that results would be available within an hour.

Just one hour.


Judgement day had come.

Just kidding. At least I think so.

The crew members from the back had come back, and the camera focused on their eager faces. Slowly and surely, various people began to be called up and were given slips of paper. I instinctively clutched Mom's hand for some reason. She clutched it back.

Nervous gnawed at my stomach as I felt my breakfast and lunch about to make a guest reappearance. I haven't felt this nervous since... right? Nervousness was my least favourite feeling. Who knew having your fate in something chosen right before you was scary?

"Good luck," Janelle mouthed to me. I did the same thing back, trying to match the sentiment, but the words dried on my lips.

"Ezra Thompson.," the crew member called. I stood up on the way to judgment.

Before I knew it, a piece of paper was being stuffed into my hand, one that had my name on it. I looked back to my seat where Mom sat and nodded at me. Grace and Janelle both smiled at me.

When I opened it up, it simply had a '347' on it. I narrowed my eyebrows, before looking up to see numbered doors. My steps were slow. Oh gosh. Why did it feel like I couldn't breathe?

I found the room and slowly opened it like it may have exploded on contact.

Cameras were all across this practice-room-looking area. The only person inside of it was... Ray?

"Welcome," she deadpanned, remaining with nonchalance.

Her eyes remained on me for whatever reason and I stepped far away from her. I slowly waited. Ray was in this room? Maybe she was bad after all. They probably wouldn't let her in so they could give a chance to other people.

Her presence seemed so domineering in the air. It felt nerve-wracking to exist in the same space as her. She was simply too great.

More people stepped in, carrying their hopes and dreams. That country singer Kristen. She was probably too typical. There was a music duo named Trouble Double, who weren't that good anyway. They had shaky vocals and only made the audience laugh. I swallowed a gulp.

More people piled in. Some good. Some I didn't pay attention to.

"Ezra?" a familiar voice called. Grace and Janelle entered. Janelle waved at me.

Were they going to be eliminated too? Oh no. Maybe they were too quirky.

That boy Marco entered alongside that girl group '5Ever'. To think of it, his voice wasn't powerful and the girls were unharmonious.

Oh no.

We were all probably going to be eliminated.

Another crew member entered right after. We all nervously turned to them. "The judges will be here in around five minutes. I wish you all good luck."

We all wavered over a collective 'thank you' before she left, and we all waited in silence.

Everyone cheered all of a sudden and I quickly refocused my gaze on the door where my jaw dropped. Fairouz and Brian appeared, not behind an intimidating judge's desk, but right in front of us.

They seemed smaller, especially Fairouz, who had to at least be a head shorter than I was. Nonetheless, her big shades, tan power suit, and her domineering presence almost made me cower.

"Hello," Fairouz said, her voice still loud without a microphone. "First of all, I would like to congratulate you for making it this far and putting yourself out there. However, we're going to have to apologize."

Tears pricked at my eyes.




"...For making you have to return to the finals in Los Angeles," Fairouz finished quickly, and I wanted to collapse. "Congratulations. You've all made it."

You and Me (Plus Everyone In Between Us)Where stories live. Discover now