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Next day,

I was walking through the campus towards the first class of my day. I was so sleepy. Like who the fuck sets a lecture at fucking 7am.

Thankfully it's my final year and after that I'll be out from this shithole. I walked in the class. And sat on the last seat.

"Hey Ash" Ruby said flirtatiously. At other times I would have entertained her but right now I'm way too sleepy.

I yawned and put my head on the desk. After what in my opinion were a few minutes someone woke me up.

"Dude, wake up" a girl to my right said. "So, good of you to finally be up" someone said sarcastically with venom dripping from her every word.

I looked up and it was the ungrateful woman from last night. God is really having his fun with me. I'm pretty sure she too recognized me but didn't let it show. "Get out of my class" she said with the same venom in her voice.

I sighed with utter annoyance and got up from my seat I picked up my bag and without so much as a second glance and walked out of the classroom.

The lecture was supposed to be of 3 hrs and I was left out to kill the time. I walked to the garden lay down on the grass, put my bag beneath my head and fell asleep.

Thankfully, the garden was right in front of the class so I didn't had to walk. And just like that I fell asleep.

After some time I felt someone shaking. "Ash wake up" I heard Ruby's voice. I sat up rubbing my eyes and looked ahead. Ironically, the first thing I saw was that bitch of my professor.

I rolled my eyes and she walked away. "let's go Ash, I'm sure you've got a class" she said and I sighed. "Yeah, let's go" I said getting up.

My phone binged with a text from my best friend, Liah.

' where are you?'

' where do you think?'

'At the campus?'


I looked up and saw her running towards me and Ruby walked away after not receiving any attention from me. "I overslept!" She exclaimed. "Don't worry, I didn't attend the class either" she looked at me with raised eyebrows.

I told her everything and she said "Bitch!". "Tell me about it. I've never seen more of an ungrateful person in my whole life" I said still very much annoyed.

At the end of the day, I got a call from Drake. "Hey" I said. "Hey girl. Got a race for you it's big " he said.

I grinned at this and asked him the details "it's gonna take place downtown. If you win you can make 5000 grands in one night"

"You know me drake. I race to f*king win " I said and disconnected the call"
. "Let me come with you please. I'll cheer" Liah said looking at me hopefully.

"Oh yeah, and what are you gonna say to your mother?" I asked and she sighed. "You're right. Why can't these races take place during normal hours. Why so f*cking late at night?"

"I don't know. But I gotta go" I said and she said "goodbye and be careful. Okay?" She said hugging me. "When am I not careful?" I asked teasingly and she rolled her eyes.

"Get lost" she said faking being annoyed and I walked away laughing.

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