"Yeah. I do. I could've gone to the police when Frank first popped up in my life. I could've gone to the police when my home in Nashville made me uncomfortable but I didn't. Now there's fifteen officers dead. Six children without a dad or a mom. And that's on me."

"They chose to put their life on the line evry single day. They chose this job."

"And because of my choices, they're dead! You can try to convince me that it's not my fault but I won't believe a word you say. Because in my head, in my mind...I did that. I killed them."

"Maisey, it's not just your choices. If the police actually did their job, Frank wouldn't have reached out again. He would be rotting in jail for the first time."

That was my fault too but I didn't tell Antonio because he didn't need to know. Hank's plan was to get me out and shut down the rings. That was Kage's plan too but it was to also stop drug trafficking in Chicago.

Frank was never the target because of his abuse towards me, he was the target because of his other crimes. Deeper and darker crimes that only a few know about.

When Antonio finally agreed and dropped me to Derek's house, I could see it in his eyes. The deep regret of letting me out of his sight. But I was safe.

I'm always safe with Kage and his team.

Derek let out a sigh as he shut the door and watched Antonio drive away. Andrew didn't say anything apart from a small hello before he retreated to his office. He wanted to say something but he held his tongue and just walked away, shaking his head.

"Lying to a cop is such a bad idea. Have you seen Hank? If he finds out, I'm dead. I'm dead, Maisey." Panicked Derek.

"You'll be fine." Said Diaz, a harsh tone lacing his voice.

"Diaz." Warned Kage as he walked over to me, his arms out wide for a hug.

"Hey, I missed you." I said, relaxing into the hug.

"Shall we conduct business elsewhere?" Asked Maui as he grabbed his keys for the van.

The plan was for me to meet Frank to dicuss some more fights but I hadn't seen him since the incident. He went into hiding and Antonio kept me away from Kage and the boxing.

"So, when is this next fight?" I asked Kage as we began driving to the location.

"It's not for a while but it's called spooks fest."

"Three months before Halloween?" I asked.

"Yeah. Police are always alert around Halloween, so them throwing a fight night would be too risky. The good thing is, everyone has to dress up with a mask. Including the fighters. Meaning..."

"...you can look for the drugs." I said.

"Yep. The place they have picked is an old warehouse with plenty of back routes and underground passages, meaning there has to be an under ground meeting room. The place was busted over 25 years ago for being a gang's drug den."

Kage pulled the van into an alley, three minutes away from the meeting point. Frank had planned to meet with me at a diner because he was hungry, like always. But knowing him, it was probably for his safety as well as mine so the cops wouldn't find us suspicious if they were to drive past.

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