SB1. Kneel Before Me

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In a dimly lit, foreboding chamber, you found yourself face to face with Sirius Black--a man you'd been avoiding for months, a man who hasn't once stopped looking for you. Not even once.

His striking appearance was unmistakable, with long, unruly locks of auburn brown hair framing a chiseled, pale face marked by the roughness of past hardships. His eyes, intense and penetrating like molten silver, held an air of both rebellion and wisdom--making you question just what the fuck was going to happen next. It was just the two of you here, no one else even remotely in sight.

And as you stood there, fear and apprehension coursing through your veins, Sirius regarded you with a mix of amusement and accomplishment. He exuded an aura of authority, his tall, lean figure clad in ragged, dark attire, an ensemble that spoke of a life spent on the run. His posture was confident, shoulders squared, and a hint of a wicked grin played upon his lips--as though he knew he had you exactly where he wanted you, with no where left for you to run.

With a casual flick of his wand, Sirius commanded, "you will kneel before me."

And as if compelled by some invisible force, your body obediently sank to your knees before him. The atmosphere was thick with tension, and you could feel the weight of his presence pressing down on you--suffocating you under the weight of your own lungs.

Sirius Black, a man who had defied the odds and challenged the establishment at every turn, now held you captive, his dark charisma and magnetic allure making it impossible to look away. It was a moment frozen in time, where power, defiance, and vulnerability converged in a single, haunting gaze.

Sirius's laughter, tinged with a hint of irony, reverberated through the chamber as he observed your submission. His eyes never left yours, a silent reminder that in this moment, he held all the cards. His demeanor, a complex blend of defiance and weariness, was a testament to a life lived on the edge of society.

"You see," he spoke in a voice laced with a gravelly edge, "sometimes, in this world, we're forced to our knees by circumstances beyond our control." His words carried a weight of bitter experience, a reminder of the injustices he had endured. "But it's what we do while we're down there, that really matters..."

Even in this unsettling position, there was something undeniably magnetic about Sirius Black. His rebellious spirit and unwavering determination, forged through years of adversity, drew you in despite the fear that coursed through your veins--you couldn't deny the fact that you were silently enjoying being at his mercy, despite the fact you've been ignoring him at all costs.

When he took a step closer, your breath hitched, warmth suddenly beginning to course through you. "What do you want from me, Sirius?"

"Don't play with me," Sirius Black leaned in, his eyes piercing and intense as he locked onto your trembling body kneeling before him. "You know exactly what I fucking need..."

"Truly, I don't." You scoffed. "And frankly, I think you're a little too obsessed with me...stalking me all these months-"

"Shut your mouth." He took a step closer, and your lungs stalled, abruptly sealing your lips.

"That's it. Now, listen fucking carefully," he said, his voice a low, urgent whisper. "I need information, information I know you possess--information we both know could change everything for me. I need to know who the true Secret Keeper was that fateful night."

You hesitated for a moment, your fear practically palpable. "I... I don't know, Sirius," you stammered, knowing your neck was on the line, either way you wanted to play this. "It was all so long ago, and everyone believed it was you."

Sirius clenched his jaw, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. "I've spent years in Azkaban for a crime I didn't commit," he growled, his voice tinged with bitterness. "There must be something you remember, some detail, any hint of doubt that could clear my name."

You shifted uncomfortably, your gaze darting around the dimly lit chamber--an ironic realization creeping through you. You knew you remembered something, more than just something--information that could undoubtedly help him--but you wouldn't give it up that easy, not while you were the one on your fucking knees--you realized that now, you were the one holding the cards, and you were going to get everything you wanted in return.

With an sinister grin, you met his eyes, steeling your shoulders and jaw. "And what will you do for me, in exchange for what I know?"

Sirius contemplated you for a moment, before he stepped closer, nonchalantly raising his hand, pressing the tip of his wand to your temple as he stood towering over you, molten silver eyes boring into your flesh.

"You tell me what I need to know, and maybe I'll show you a little mercy...maybe I'll refrain from killing you for the months of running you've done...the months you've made me chase you..." he hissed, head tilting, eyes gleaming as they raked over your body. "'s that sound?"

You pulled your lip between your teeth, staring up at him through the thickness of your lashes. "Not good enough, I'm afraid..." you purred, fire raging inside your limbs. "Try again."

With a flick of his wand, he raised you into the air, bringing you up to your feet and slamming you against the cold stone wall--you groaned, head pounding, but within two seconds he was on you, both hands thrusting into your hair as he pulled your face dangerously close to his--pressing you firm against the wall.

"What do you want? Huh?" He hissed, his eyes like two windows, windows to a tumultuous soul. "You want me to get on my knees and beg for it? Because in that case, I'll just fucking kill you, right here, right now."

You could feel the heat raging between your bodies, burning like an out of control wildfire--you couldn't stop yourself from admiring his features, from allowing yourself to be drawn to his eyes. They were encapsulating, and perhaps there truly was something you could stand to gain from this little unique situation--something gnawing at the blood in your veins.

"I want you to ensure my immunity." You said. "I want you to ensure that no one, not a fucking soul finds out it was me who told you."

Sirius blinked, glimpsing your lips. "Done."

You wet your lips, a smirking crawling across your face, his hands still tightly woven into your hair--your faces so close together you were inhaling each others lingering exhales.

When you remained silent, Sirius narrowed his eyes, tugging slightly at your scalp. "What else?" He hissed, husk edging his tone. "I can tell by your eyes that you're not done...spit it out, little bitch...I don't have all fucking day."

Your body was melting against him, the heat of his frame engulfing you. "Sirius..." you cooed, your voice a low whisper. "I want you to kiss me."

He huffed, his eyes almost instantly darkening. "You want me to kiss you?" He said, undeniably shocked. "After you ran from me for months? After I've hunted you down through cities and towns like a fucking wild animal, you want me to kiss you?"

You pulled your lip between your teeth, nodding slowly. "Yes..." you whispered, glimpsing his lips. "You've enjoyed the chase, haven't you?" Your hand trailed up his arm, grazing over his worn leather sleeve. "If you didn't...I truly doubt you'd have kept going for all these months..."

Sirius blinked, jaw tensing. "I needed-"

"Shh." You said, trailing your hand up his neck, over his jawline, pressing a soft finger over his lips as you cut him off. "You were in prison for a long time..." you purred. "When's the last time you've been properly taken care of, hm?"

You could feel his breath turning shallow, you knew this was a turn of events he wasn't expecting, but the words kept flowing from your lips like a raging waterfall, no dam strong enough to contain it.

"When's the last time you've been sucked off..." you mewled, voice like honey as it flowed past your teeth. "When's the last time someone's made you cum so hard your ears rang, hm?" You swore you heard him groan, his eyes darkening with each passing second. "I can make you feel so good...let me take care of you..."

"Fuck," he breathed, the shock and enthralment entirely obvious in his tone. He was getting hard, you could feel his bulge pressing against the crease of your thigh and he pressed against you, trapping you tight to the wall. "You're fucking filthy..."

You smirked, tugging on his bottom lip. "You haven't seen anything yet."

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