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Ahaan's POV-

I've read somewhere, that 'time humbles you', and it humbles you in a way that you'll never expect. You'll never think it'll change you and it's not necessary, but it is. It will give you a chance to stand at the top and let opportunities fall for you. Time teaches you to live the kind of life you never wanted to, it also teaches you to see what matters and what doesn't. As you grow old, you stop chasing the big things and start valuing the little things. Long walks with your loved ones, self-care, me time etc. and in these 2-3 years when I was away from my family. I feel as if I've learned way too much about how life works.

I once hated the idea of going abroad but then I went and stayed there for about 3 years. It has changed me so much, I value people more now, I've learned to save money and how to survive on my own, how to be self-sufficient and I think this should be the main thing you should learn in your early 20s.

About love, as far as I know, in my case, it has come to me blindly. No warning. Nothing.

I saw her at the cafe one day. And boom, I'm in love.

I've never had crushes before.

Oh really??

Yes! Okay, let's just accept it. I had this HUGGEEEEEEEEE crush on Selena when I was a kid.

Okay, so where was I?

nevermind I forgot

Yeah! So I was saying that this unexpected life interest of mine looks nothing like my usual crush type, but still, I fall for her, and I fall for her daily. Whenever I see her, whenever I think about her. I've started to find her flaws beautiful. And it happens with everyone I guess. You thank the universe for sending them into your life, you see your future with them. This feeling is very very very beautiful.

This person is Antipriya for me.

I hate the fact that I know nothing about her.

I despise the fact that we've only had 5-6 conversations till now.

I loathe the fact that I still don't know her actual name.

But even after all this, I enjoyed watching her back then during my grad days, I used to adore watching her from a distance, then we finally talked one day and today we finally hugged.

Real hug.
I wasn't hallucinating this time.

I'm loving this growth in our relationship.

I took that note from my drawer and held it close to my heart and for some reason, I felt as if something was going to happen.

Something good. Something bad.

I feel as if everything is already decided and the only thing left is turning pages to reveal new chapters of my life.

"Ahaan bhaiiiiii" I heard Shefali's voice.

What is she doing here at this hour?

"Bhai!!! Can I come in?" She asked.

"You've never asked before. Why so formal?"

"After marriage, you'll need some privacy naa that's why."



"Who's getting married?"


"Who said?"

"The one who is the root cause of every problem." She grinned.

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