"I will. Have a good day. Love you."

"Thank you. Love you too."

He hangs up. I put my phone in my front pocket. Bridget looks at me, "The L-word? Wow. I'm surprised."

"Leave me alone."

She laughs as I grab my tablet. "You can't hide your smile. I see right through you."

"Are you done?"

"My girl is in love! No, I'm not done."

"This is why I don't say shit like that around you because you draw attention to us."

Anne comes around the corner, "Anne! Maya's in love!"

I shake my head, "Oh my god," I say quietly.

She's all but jumping and smiling from ear to ear. "It's not a big deal," I tell Anne, starting to walk away from them, "She's just dramatic."

"Am not. This is huge!"

"Maya, you can make a big deal out of it if you want to," Anne tells me.

"But I don't want to. Neither should you."

I pull my coat around my shoulders as I walk toward the exit. I keep my mask up as I walk outside in the cold toward Christian's car.

I pull my mask off as I get in his car. He kisses me, "Thank you for bringing this," I tell him as he hands me my lunch bag.

"Of course. I was on my way to the gym when you called."

"How was that?"

"Fine. We did legs. Trying to get my strength back. How the hell did you forget your lunch?"

"I woke up late."

"What's late?"


"What? Really?"

"Yes. I was that late. I left by 6:15. I don't know how I didn't wake you."

"I'm sure you did but I didn't think it was that late."

"I try to be quiet."

"You are. But the bed moves and then I wake up."

I shake my salad bowl. "Are you busy today?"

"Not really. Lots of ear infections. A lot of flu going around. A lot of sickness is going around."

"Don't bring that home. I don't want it."

"I haven't been sick in the four years I've been working here. I think you're fine."

"I'm just saying that I don't want it."

"Neither do I.

I eat the rest of my lunch and shove up my bowls and wrappers in my lunch bag. He takes my bag and sets it in the back of his car. My pager beeps. I look at it. I sigh, "I gotta go."

He kisses me, "Okay."

I open the car door and put my mask back on, "We have dinner with my brother tonight," he says, reminding me of the event.

"That's tonight?"


"What time?"

"7, I think. I'll check with him and let you know."

"Okay. I will try to get done at 5."

"Okay. I love you. Be safe."

"I will. I love you too."

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