advice from one who can't take their own | p.p.

Comenzar desde el principio

"what? what do you mean, shriek? i don't shriek!"

"that was a shriek. very high-pitched, bro. i don't think my cousin could even hit that note... and she's a 9 year-old girl," ned snickered.

"okay, well," scoffed peter, very offended by ned's claim, "my yell was manly. and second, it's not. my. peter. tingle! spidey-senses, man! i can't have peter tingle catching on! it's not badass!"

"but leprechauning around the city in tights is?" mj asked.

"jeezus, mj. just say hello like a normal person," peter sighed.

"how come you didn't shriek when she walked in?" ned narrowed his eyes at the brunet.

"because i knew she was there!"

"wait, peter shieks?" mj piped in.

"yes, i- i mean, no! not the point! it's cause my senses only detect threats, moron!"

"so i'm a threat, now?" she rose an eyebrow.

"well... you can be scary," the wallcrawler admitted.

ned insisted, "i can be scary, too!"

"...sure," mj shrugged. "look, you're one of my best friends and all peter, but watching you dance around y/n is getting boring. just ask her out already," he practically got whiplash from that subject change.



"because i- i can't!"

"but you like her? and she likes you back?"

"who likes who?" the h/c colored hair girl asked, just walking in.

"uh," peter hesitated, if he said his own name then she would think he wasn't interested. so that left but one option.

"ned does! like someone, i mean," peter stammered out.

"oh. you do? does she know? wait, wait, who is it?"

"yeah, peter, who is it?" ned hissed.

mj snickered, getting ready to watch the chaos unravel.

"he doesn't wanna tell, e-embarrassed, i guess. and he hasn't told her yet... because... he's afraid she'll reject him," peter replied.

"aw, ned," y/n reassured him.

"yeah, and he really, really likes this girl. he loves her, honestly. it- it's like, um, now that he's met her, he knows where he belongs, 'cause she's a part of him. when i- he sees her, it's as if space and time became the finest point imaginable, as if time collapsed into one tiny speck and exploded at light speed.

"it's as if his universe begins and ends with her. he could run forever, search forever, but in the end, every path leads right back to her. it's like she lights up everything, j-just wherever she goes. like, she's beauty. she's happiness. she's love. all these wonderful emotions curdled up into this ball inside of him, waiting to burst, because- because he loves her," he finished, bright red and out of breath.

maybe he could be a poet, if nothing else.

y/n was bewildered. and so confused. he had this look in his eyes, unlike anything she'd seen before. like he really wanted something, urging to get it. there was purity in his eyes, a wholesomeness that makes her shiver with emotion. it felt like he was talking to her in that moment. like no one else existed.

just them. in their own walls, constricted and laced with contentment and something else.

"well," she said quietly, getting over her shock, "if he can repeat those words to his mystery girl, then he's got this in the bag."

"but what if i- he messes up? and their friendship gets ruined?"

"it's worth it. he deserves to tell her that, and she deserves to hear it. and if she doesn't feel the same, don't bother. she isn't the one."

they were so close together, inches away from their lips meeting, so lost in each other, they didn't notice mj drag ned out by his ear.

"and if i was the one who said that to you? would i- would i have this in the bag?"

y/n nodded slowly, gathering her newfound courage to kiss him.

so she did.

it was everything. all her pent up emotion flooded out of her, pushing into the kiss. it felt like they fit. a click. as if they were each other's last puzzle pieces, the satisfaction of it rustling in.

"i take it you weren't talking about ned?" she asked softly.

"no," peter chuckled. "you know, you give pretty good advice. even if you can't take your own."

and he kissed her again.

it was even better this time.

peter parker/tom holland imaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora