She a runner

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Some men stood in front of me when I walked in.

"Uhm excuse me." I tried to push through the large crowd of people, getting pushed and shoved every second.

"God can you let me the fuck in the room." I pushed the men with force, making them stumble on their feet.

"Watch where you're going cunt!" One solider yelled at me. It was the same solider that choked me on the wall when Ghost helped.

I tried my best to avoid eye contact, I didn't want him to know that it was me who pushed him.

" look who the cat brought in" he smirked as he saw my eyes make contact with his. God, he was ugly as fuck..

"Shut your trap." I rolled my eyes, I was scared of him, but I didn't want him to know that I was scared of him. It would make me a phone or a bowl to him, and I didn't want him to have that power.

"Make me bitch." He started taking steps up to me, the men around us started to space out to give us some room.

why the fuck am I always getting in problems.? why.  Just cause I'm a lady, just because they are the pigs in the world.

"Quiet now huh pussy. I would like to see how yours taste though." He smirked

"Uhm gross, never say that again." I laughed in his face. He could never get in a bed with me, he would smell up the whole room, and I can't have that. Not to mention that he's fugly.

"You don't have a choice, I bet I will have you at my knees." The men around his smirked and chuckled.

I felt angry, I felt embarrassed, I felt every emotion you could name besides happy.

I would never go to my knees for him but still, he had so much power over everyone around and controlled many. If they really wanted to, they could all just grab me and do whatever. It made me sick.

"Doubtful." Is all I had to say. I didn't want to say the wrong words so I watched what I said.

"Sureee." He took another step toward me, our bodies almost touching.

I plugged my nose, I smelt cheese and toes.

I coughed

"What the fuck do you not shower!" I squeezed my nostrils tight, I didn't need any smell coming through my nose.

"I shower every week so Ha! In your face."

I gagged.

"Buddy, that's not normal. You get sweaty and gross everyday in the military, how the fuck do you not shower everyday. Your smell is intoxicating."

I wasn't even trying to be mean, this is for his well being. I looked around the room to the men around us and they all seemed to be grossed out or agreeing with what I said.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't like you and would make fun of you every chance I get but right now I'm not maki my fun of you, is for your well being." I said with an obvious look of concern on my face.

"Shut up you stupid whore." He came forward to me again and I backed up.

He kept stepping forward when I would step back and this kept going.

"Please stop following me, I don't need your smell on me."

"You little bit-"

I didn't need to hear anymore to know that, that was my time to bolt out of there.

I dashed away from him. After I ran for a good minute, I looked behind me and he was following me. Full force running at me.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I continue to run for my life, running out of the training room and now running into the quarters.

His loud foot stomps banged behind me and seemed to make the building shake.

"Oh my fucking god oh my fucking god."

You just never know what to shut up. I face palmed myself mentally.

I was almost to my room, I thought he would have stopped following me but of course he didn't.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU DUMBASS!" I screamed, making my voice crack.

I was just a few feet in front of the when I tried to open it. My heart skipped a beat

My eyes widened and my lips fell apart.

"No, NO NO! OPEN THE FUCK UP!" I banged on the door hard.

The door was locked, why did they need to look the door!

"Y/n?" Soap called out


He was nearly next to me now.

I heard running footsteps to the door but it was too late. My head was bashed in to the door and I fell to the ground. I was still awake but could comprehend anything.


I rushed to the door. Hearing Y/n's cries to open the door made me confused. What was she so worried about.

I heard one last bang on my door and then it stopped. I opened the door to see a recruit with ginger hair, a slit in his eyebrow but he was on the shorter side. He was pretty muscular but not as muscular as me. I smiled at myself mentally.

I looked down at Y/n on the ground, leaning against the wall with blood running down her nose. I felt rage.

"What in the bloody hell!" I shouted and pushed the recruit away and gripped Y/n. I can't leave her here. I'll deal with this douche bag in a minute.

"If you move from this spot, I will make this hell." I threatened him, I couldn't tell if he was scared or being sarcastic.

I held Y/n bridal style. She looked up at me with such delicate eyes, like she had no idea who I was. She probably was just in shock. Her nose was bloody red all down her face.

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