👦📝,🐰💻,🔦Oopsie! 😭🥳

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+*3rd person*+
Tony and "Dr. Rabbit" -also known as Greg- were going to the Pizzaplex together so that Rab could make up the fact that he screwed up Tony's story.

Tony still didn't know why Rab added all those changes, so he decided to ask.

"Why did you change my story so much? thought it was pretty good." Tony said.

"It needed some more fiction because that was the assignment, and your story sucked." Rab said.

+*1st person, Tony*+

'Rude' I thought to myself and we finally got to the Pizzaplex. We walked inside and Rab told me that he had something to show me, then he started dragging me somewhere.

As he dragged me i asked "Where are we going?"

He said "it's a surprise!"

+*1st person, Rab*+

I chuckled to myself, i felt like i could say 'it says gullible on the ceiling' and he would fall for it. This is too easy!

As I dragged him to 'The Murder Room'


I really need to work on that name.

As I dragged him to the room, he asked where we were going, i told him "It's a surprise!" As I dragged him I decided to use a knife for this kid. I don't know why, I just want to!

As we got to the nameless room, i opened the door and promptly shoved him inside. Obviously he fell onto the floor. He said "Dude! Why did you push me?! And where the heck are we!" I told him "Welcome to... uh... I'm working on the name."

I promptly grabbed my rabbit mask from the desk next to my laptop and put it on.

"What's up with the mask?" Said the newly standing Tony.

"Where do you think I got Dr. Rabbit from?"

"Are you a furry?" He asked.

"No- ... hm.."
"... ANYWAYS!" I swiftly grabbed my knife and held it infront of his face.


+*1st person, Tony*+

Rab said nothing after that. Only continued to point the fricking steak knife at my face! Rab began to speak "You know, i know who GGY is."
"YOU DO?!" I exclaimed.

"Of course i do. Newsflash! It's been me this entire time, dumbass!" He said.

"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME!?" I exclaimed.

He raised his finger, then put it down.
"I don't know. But I'm gonna stab you now."

+*1st person, ???*+

As i watched "me" stab Tony, i felt a mixture of despair.. and a hint of guilt. I don't know why i feel guilty, i know it's not me hurting him, but to think that this all wouldn't have happened if I hadn't had trusted that blonde woman.

As the blood pooled from the child, all I could do was watch. It was a horrific sight, to watch someone you considered a friend bleed out from your hands. Obviously that would be horrifying. I wished I could just forget this all happened! I wanted to kill me! Other me! BOTH WOULD WORK!!

Once the last bit of light left Tony's eyes, i began to quietly sob in my enclosure. The silent tears running down my face seemed to have no end. Other me disposed of the body, went home, and cleaned the blood off of my clothes. Once other me went to sleep, i watched, because that's all I could do.

Word count (not counting authors note): 562 words

This one was a bit longer than the last one, TONY FRICKING DIED!!! F in the chat.

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