The Avenger they get jealous of

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Pietro: Thor. You and Thor have always been quite good friends and will always hang around each other. You tell each other everything. Pietro is always comparing himself to 'The Mighty Thor.' He always says he has no chance of keeping you, you resolve those feelings with a simple yet sweet kiss, catching him off guard. You always say "What? You didn't see that coming?" afterwards.

Steve: Pietro. Steve is always jealous of the speedy Skovian. This is due to Pietro being quite flirtatious with you. But Steve is most jealous of the way that every girl even Natasha swoons over Pietro's accent. You always reassure him that you're his and his alone.

Bruce: Clint. Bruce is forever worried that his intellect will never match Clint's skills. Bruce is also jealous of the fact that he can never have what Clint can, a happy ending, a family, children. You always feel sorry for Bruce when he feels this way and so you prove to him that there's no reason to feel that way and you'll always love him, no matter what.

Tony: Steve. Despite Tony being the Playboy Billionaire Thrilantrapist, he still gets jealous of Steve. More so when Steve is around you, only because Steve's old fashioned and knows exactly how to treat a lady. However, you fell for Stark's chest pick-up lines and ruggedly handsome features.

Thor: Tony. Even though Thor is the powerful God of Asgard, he's still jealous of Tony and his playboy-like attitude. He's always scared that he's going to lose you to Tony, which of course would never ever happen. Your heart always has and always will belong to Thor.

Clint: Bucky. You are fascinated by Bucky's metal arm, you think it's absolutely awesome. Clint is extremely jealous of this. However, he doesn't seem to realise that he's your one and only. You may have to remind him of this more often...

Bucky: Bruce. Bruce is incredibly clever, Bucky feels that ever since HYDRA changed him he's nowhere near as clever. He's extremely scared that you're going to leave him for Bruce, despite the fact that you rarely ever leave Bucky's side.

Natasha: Wanda. Nat is always jealous of Wanda's powers, as she is 'just an assassin' whereas Wanda is an enhanced. Which is apparently way cooler, however you are forever telling Nat that you thinks she's perfect because she can kick ass!

Wanda: Natasha. Wanda is incredibly jealous of Nat's body, as everyone seems to think that it's perfect, except she's wrong, it's not don't. You think Wanda is the most perfect person you've ever met, but she never believes you when you tell her. Which results in you having to prove it to her that you love her more than anything.

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