They get jealous

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Pietro: You think it's cute when Pietro is jealous as he'll either ease over to you snaking his arm around your waist and kissing your cheek, letting the person know that you're his. Or he'll whisk you away and speed off somewhere else.

Steve: Steve will always try to out-do the other person, which always makes you giggle. You'll then interlock your arms with his making him blush, ruining the illusion of how tough he is.

Bruce: He'll just show off his intellect whilst slowly moving you behind him away from the guy.

Tony: Being the flirtatious thrilantrapist that Tony is, when he sees someone hitting on you he'll just walk straight over to you, kiss you full on the lips, which usually turns into a full make out session causing the other person to walk away both disgusted and annoyed.

Thor: Thor isn't a big lover of PDA, however when it comes to people flirting with you, that all changes. He'll walk over, interlock your hands turns to the person and says "They're with me." He'll then walk away pulling you with him.

Clint: Clint says he never gets jealous only he totally does...When he gets jealous it usually results in him picking you up bridal style, whisking you away and the night usually finished with heated sexual intercourse.

Bucky: Bucky is totally in love with you, and loves to show it to everyone. He always holds your hands in public making it almost impossible for anyone to flirt with you.

Natasha: When Nat's jealous everyone better watch out. She gives a cold, hard, piercing stare to the person causing them to rush away incredibly fast. You always manage to make her smile afterwards by giving her a quick kiss on the lips and/or cheek.

Wanda: When Wanda is jealous she'll just use her powers to mess with their minds and then she'll just drag you away, interlocking your hands and will constantly keep reminding you that your hers and hers alone.

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