PHASE 01: Chemistry.

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With a ding and the shutters of the elevator door opening, Fuga stepped out onto the long corridor that led up to the principal's office. Actually, was he even a principal? He was more a president right? LDS' President, Declan Akaba. Yeah, that makes sense, so principal wasn't right, even if he was... technically.

She walked down the silent corridor, the only sounds being that of her shoes tapping on the flooring, but she couldn't quite tell what the material was? Maybe tiles? Either way, that didn't matter. I mean, should she even be getting into trouble for dueling another kid at the Dueling School? Most likely not. She stood at the door for a few seconds, wondering how to enter, before just deciding to knock.

"Enter. And shut the door behind you."

A voice would say as she opened the door, shadowing it almost before closing it behind her. Looking from the door over to the centre of the room, she was met with of course, the President, Declan, but leaning slightly against the side of his desk was a blonde woman in a suit, but a lab coat over it.

"Fuga Ichiose, I presume?"

"Yes, sir."

"Mmh. Now, Miss Ichiose, there is a topic at hand we must discuss with you. And it is quite important."

He crossed his arms and leaned back slightly in his chair, looking directly at Fuga. She now stood at attention, though crossing her arms the same.

"Is this about the duel with Sawatari? He's lying, I can tell you that, I won fair and square." 

"That is unrelated, this is a much more dire situation. And it requires a lot of time to explain. Please, take a seat." 

He'd say, pointing to one of the chairs sat in front of the desk, which Fuga nodded and sat in the chair, soft and nice. 


She'd remark, leaning back into it ever so slightly.

"Now, this matter concerns us, you and the fate of not only, Miami City but so many other places as well."
There was a brief exhale before Declan continued.
"It is quite difficult to explain-"

"No, it is not." The woman on the side of his desk finally spoke up, now standing completely, hands in pockets and just looking at Declan, while he gave her a disapproving glance from the side. "Right, so. We've kept it under wraps, or at least LDS has, heh..." She'd glance over at Declan, who shook his head disapprovingly. "But there are these monsters running rampant every now and again, and from what we've learned, they're a fusion- or well mutation? Combination? Amalgamation." She snapped her fingers when finally achieving the final word.

"An amalgamation of a Duel Spirit and a human, we're calling them Malgam-" "You're calling them Malgam." "The name'll stick, President. Just you wait. Anyway we don't know exactly how, but they appear and cause havoc, like I said. But we've also noticed that these Duel Spirits can be defeated, and sealed or something. I'll show ya some footage later, when we move down to the lab."

"I don't see how this concerns me." Fuga would say, looking at the woman. "Who are you, anyway?" She'd ask. "My name is Riso, and I'm the head of the Gotchard project, in order to help seal those monsters. And that is where you come in. During your duel with Sawatari, we saw you interact with Hopper1, one of the Chemies that has allied with us, and a Chemy, before you ask, are the Duel Spirits that have been running rampant. We know this because of this." 

She reached into one of her lab coat pockets and pulled out the most recent monster that had been defeated, Ride Chemy Vehicle Steamliner. The name gave it away. When she looked at the card, Fuga heard a loud "STEAM!", which caused her jump and look around the room. Riso raised an eyebrow.

Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Riding by the Law of AlchemyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang