Using Your Kids To Cause Chaos Is Fun (TSaTS)

Start from the beginning

Nico lifted the rest of his hoard of cacodemons into his arms, and they all found places to grip him. He looked funny, covered in shadow shapes with glowing eyes. "Long story short, Will and I went on a quest from my father to Tartarus to rescue the reformed Titan Bob. We fought the primordial goddess Nyx. Trying to defeat me, she created cacodemons out of my inner demons. Technically they are the children and Nyx and I. I was able to gain control of them and set them free. They chose to leave Tartarus with me and now live at camp."

Stunned silence greeted Nico at the end of his explanation.

Katie Gardner stood, chair scraping the floor loudly. "Nope," she exclaimed. "I just got back to camp. It is way too soon to deal with this." She, along with a few other demigods, retreated from the pavilion.

Nico hugged his cacodemons. "Don't mind them," he whispered. "They don't understand you."


The pavilion incident was not the only time the cacodemons caused chaos. Mr. D almost killed his favorite demigod when they entered the Big House.
Mr. D entered the Big House after winning a game of pinochle against Chiron. He hoped to relax, but two cacodemons gnawing on Seymour the leopard met him instead.

"Diagonal! Soldier!" He bellowed from the porch.

Nico and Will heard the scream from the Hades cabin.

"Uh oh," Will said. "I wonder what he wants this time."

Nico looked around the interior of his cabin in a panic. "Will?"

"Yeah?" Will answered. He was lying on Hazel's bed studying the pictures she taped to the ceiling.

"Where are Ant and Tusk?"

Will rolled onto his side. His heart seized when he only saw ten cacodemons tumbling around on the fuzzy purple rug Hazel forced Nico into keeping. "Gods," he groaned. "It's your turn to go get them."

"Fine." Nico hopped off his bed and strode for the door. He didn't make it far before Clops was grasping at his ankles. Nico picked the cyclops up and settled them into his arms. "I've got Clops with me," he called over his shoulder as he exited his cabin. Spider liked Will, while Clops pouted if Nico was out of sight for even a moment. The rest of the cacodemons were perfectly fine being on their own most of the time.

Nico prayed to his father on the walk to the Big House. If Mr. D killed him, Nico hoped Hades would let him stay in his room at Hades' palace.

Mr. D wasn't waiting on Nico when he arrived. When Nico entered the building, he understood why.

"Let go of that, you wretched being!" Mr. D held one end of Seymour while Tusk chewed on an ear. Spider crouched in the middle of the leopard, preparing to leap. Seymour let out whines every time he was tugged back and forth.

"Stop," Nico shouted.

Tusk dropped the ear. Spider curled into a ball.

Mr. D drew Seymour close to his chest, muttering curses. "Ahh, Ding Dong, you're finally here."

"That's not my na-"

"I know your name, boy," Mr. D growled. "Correct names are reserved only for demigods who don't annoy me. Get your children out of here! I will send them back to the Underworld if I ever catch them in here again!"

Nico gave both cacodemons a disappointed look. He was all about causing mayhem, but not when it caused property damage. "Home. Now."

Tusk hung their head and walked out of the house. Nico scooped Spider into his palm. He kept a watchful eye on Tusk as he carried Spider and Clops back to the Hades cabin.
"Window. Now." Nico placed the cacodemons on the ground and pointed to the pile of blankets and pillows in the brightest area of the cabin. The lone window's light created a square near the cabin door. Since the cacodemons weren't the biggest light fans, Will sent them there during time out.

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