Chapter 14 - Play it Unfair

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Author's note: Those who are coming from book 2, already know this book will have some exhilarating scenes, since our FL is quite something. So, be patient. :)


4th April

"How are you feeling these days?"


"Please elaborate."

Ritu sat on the plush couch in Devina Mukherjee's cozy office, her legs folded beneath her.

It was Shreya who introduced Ritu to Devina after her doctor suggested she needed counselling. Ritu never asked Shreya how she knew this friendly psychologist. Because, truthfully, even the most naïve person could speculate the reason.

Abhimanyu, himself, had been avoiding the counselling sessions, but he insisted Ritu must attend all of them. It was to deal with her traumas that kept coming back from time to time in the form of flashbacks.

Devina's office was a haven of tranquility, adorned with earthy tones and soft textures. Sunlight filtered through sheer curtains, casting warm, gentle patterns on the floor. A tranquil painting of a serene meadow hung on one wall. Devina occupied a cushioned armchair nearby. Her kind eyes and gentle demeanor completely aligned with the serene ambience. Her shelves were adorned with a collection of books on healing and self-discovery. A soothing aroma wafted from a softly lit aromatherapy diffuser on a side table, infusing the room with lavender and chamomile scents.

"Lately, I've been feeling like a disappointment. I'm aligned to believe that I experience more disappointment in myself than others feel toward me. Whatever steps I've taken till now, always have ended in a twisted cruelty to my fate." Ritu looked down; her chest tightened as the intrusive thoughts crawled into her mind once again. "Everyone thinks I lead an easy and extravagance life being born as the only daughter to the renowned businessman. But, they... don't know how... wrong they are!" Ritu sighed; her shoulders shivered. "I... feel like the black sheep of my family. Everyone in my family is involved in business. Cause they understand the market. They know how the world works. But me! I don't know anything! I have no idea how things work in the practical world! I- I'm not street-smart." She snorted, "And I'm afraid I'll ever be. I don't understand how people can be so selfish to fulfill their desires! They don't even think twice before conning innocents. I...I opted for fashion, you already know that." Ritu looked up making eye contact with Devina.

Devina nodded in affirmative and gestured her to continue, which she did after a brief pause. "Fashion world isn't any different. In fact, in the world of fashion you can find equally upsetting deceit. The fashion industry's dark truth remains concealed behind the dazzling runways and glossy magazines. You can't even take a step here without the influence of discrimination. Discrimination thrived here in the shadows. The fashion industry is biased, filled with millions untold stories of prejudices and silent struggles. And I am not sure, where the hell I stand in this ugly world masked by its glamorous façade." Ritu paused and clasped her fingers together. She felt exhausted all of a sudden.

Devina said, "But, wasn't it your own decision to pursue a fashion career?"

"It was. Yes. At that time, yes it was my decision. But I'm not sure anymore. I'm not sure if it was just to defy my mother or my stupidity."

"But you have a good sense of fashion."

"Do you think so?" Ritu smiled. "Thanks. Honestly, If I be truthful, I don't stand a chance if I wasn't the daughter of Abhiraj Roy. These days, I wholeheartedly doubt whether it's an advantage or a disadvantage to be my father's daughter. Because the price I've been paying is substantial. I have zero privacy outside my house. That's not a privilege, right? It can't be! I can't meet people I want to meet. And somehow, even if I get successful in that, I end up as the talk of the town. Why is it so?"

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