Chapter 10 - Scheming Fate

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Author's note: So that you remember, it's an enemies-to-lovers, forbidden love trope story. So, just bear with it. Won't you? : ))


There's a subtle connection between your soul and your raw emotions. Both can remain hidden to people you want to avoid or impress. However, both have this unbridled urge to bare themselves to people you feel comfortable with.

When we say raw emotion, it means the unfiltered, intense expression of feelings that surge within us, often beyond our conscious control. In its unprocessed state, raw emotion lacks rationalization. It is then more primal, more instinctive. Raw emotion can manifest as unguarded tears, uncontrollable laughter, or unbridled anger. Anger, for instance, connects you to your most authentic self, making it your truest response to other emotions, like sadness, fear, or despair.

Beneath the veil of the sweet fragrances of vanilla and cocoa, Ritu and the waiter, a figure tied to her family's current discord, stared at each other unwaveringly. It was Jai Basu. As they focused their undivided attention on each other, the surrounding background seemed to fade into insignificance. Ritu's eyebrows curled in a frown as the air between them crackled with tension.

She never expected to see Jai there. After their encounter that day, she thought over the whole fiasco several times. Not that her family members would discuss the case in front of her. But she knew they were deeply troubled because of it. It hadn't been even a year since Abhimanyu got married to Shreya. Moreover, they married amidst a scandal. They at least deserved a peaceful life after all of that happened. And because of this dimwit standing in front of her, that life seemed far-fetched. This devious man was using Abhimanyu as a stepping stone to his own success. But she wouldn't let that happen!

Jai blinked, then averted his gaze to the plates he was still holding.

Pihu, sensing the palpable tension, interjected, "Wait, do you know each other?"

That was all it took for Ritu to lose her composure. Her brows furrowed in abhorrence as she raised her voice, "Know him? I bloody hell loathe him! Because of this uncultured imbecile, my family's reputation is now wavering!" She never took her eyes off Jai while the man stood there quietly. Ritu continued with more detest nonetheless, "So, you work here, I see. So, much to stand before my Dadabhai, huh? A person like you, who comes from...what...some slums, you have some nerves..." Ritu spat, her voice laced with unrestrained fury. "Defaming my brother, spreading those vile lies about his involvement in your grandpa's..." she trailed off, panting faster than usual.

Pihu piped in, "What? Your brother...Abhimanyu? And his grandpa...are you talking about the murder case?" Perhaps, Pihu calculated two and two together and gasped, "You're the grandson of deceased..." she faltered, possibly trying to remember the name, "Jagannath Basu. Yeah right. Oh my God," she glanced between Ritu and Jai, then exclaimed, "The whole orphanage scandal is all over the media."

Meanwhile the other occupants of nearby seats had averted their focus toward their table. What started with a low rumble soon turned a full-fledged murmuring. Even some took out their phones and started recording. Pihu might've noticed that as well, as she immediately put on her mask and sunglasses.

Ritu heard the infectious gossips flew around them.

"Look, it's Abhimanyu Roy's sister."

"Oh, I heard, he's been accused with an orphanage owner's murder."

"I heard the trials are still ongoing. They couldn't prove it yet."

"So that's the grandson. He's good looking, eh?"

Amidst the murmuring cacophony, the tension hung heavy like a storm cloud waiting to burst. Ritu's eyes blazed with a fiery mix of anger and indignation as she never looked away from Jai, who was the source of her brother's public humiliation.

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