The Star Of The Show!

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Kelly was on the road again after her battle with Korrina. Then she received a call out of nowhere.

The weird thing is she didn't know the caller.

She answered the phone anyway.


"Twerpette, I need your help."

Kelly scrunched up her face in confusion,"Jessie?"

"Yes, it's me. I need your help. Aren't you listening?"

"Yeah I am. What do you need help with?"

She heard Jessie sigh from over the phone,"A movie. I'm starting in a movie but one of our actors fell ill and we need a replacement on short notice. Can you do it?"


"Don't tell me your gonna reject?! Do you know how hard it was to convince the Professor that I wasn't a bad person but actually a friend?!"

Kelly shook her head furiously, hair glowing with the action,"No, it's just that I've never acted before."

"Don't worry about that. I'll help you out. We're filming in Shalour City. How soon can you get there?"

"Oh, I just left. I can arrive today."

"Then do it! This movie can't fail."

And she hanged up. Kelly chuckled exasperatedly at the phone. It seems Jessie was the same.

But at least they quit Team Rocket.


Kelly made it to the shoot two hours later.

"What took you so long?!",Jessie immediately came up to her.

Kelly smiled brightly,"Jessie! You look great!"

Jessie blushed and when she spoke she stuttered over her words,"W-Well of course I do."

She shook her head furiously and tugged at Kelly's hand,"Well come on you've got yourself a role as a hero to play."

Kelly let herself be pulled along,"The hero? But then what about you?"

Jessie laughed, shrill and loud,"Why I'm the villain of course. It only fits."



Dimly lit, with shattered windows and debris strewn across the floor, the abandoned factory sets the stage for an intense showdown. Emily, a fearless student in her late teens with determination in her eyes, stands in the center of the chaos. She's dressed in a sleek black outfit, her long black hair cascading over her shoulders.

"Time to save the day",Emily muttered to herself.

Suddenly, a group of menacing henchmen armed with guns emerge from the shadows, surrounding Emily.

"You're trapped, Emily. There's no way out"'Henchman One said, grinning.

Emily's heart races as she assesses her options. With lightning speed, she leaps into action.

She ducks as bullets whiz past her, doing somersaults to dodge incoming fire. Her movements are precise and fluid, a mesmerizing dance of combat.

Emily takes down the henchmen one by one, showcasing her martial arts prowess. Kicks, punches, and acrobatics blend seamlessly as she incapacitates her attackers.

As the last henchman falls, Emily stands victorious amidst the fallen adversaries. She takes a deep breath, her chest heaving, and a look of determination on her face.

She was panting slightly as she smiled,"Justice prevails."

The factory is silent once more, except for the sound of Emily's rapid heartbeat. She wipes a bead of sweat from her brow, ready for the next challenge that awaits her.

"And scene!"


The actors were taking a break as the crew started getting ready for the next scene.

"So you finally stopped being in Team Rocket, huh?"

Jessie glanced at her out the corner of her eye before looking away,"Mm. It was about time I changed the way I lived. The fact that I can actually afford food now actually feels great great." She smiled, the expression looking beautiful on her face,"This was a change for the better."

Kelly smiled a bit,"I'm glad you think that."

The two sat in silence for a while before Kelly remembered something.

"Oh! Do you know what James and Meowth are up to?"

Jessie tsked,"Last I heard from him is that he's gonna open up a Pokémon restaurant with customers eating with Pokémon all around them. He said he was gonna mass catch Pokémon for the cafe before opening it." She scoffed,"Little shit didn't even tell me where he was gonna open it so I could visit him."

Kelly chuckled,"And Meowth."

"Some hosting job. He guested on a radio show then when he contacted me again. He said he was in Sinnoh hosting Contests! Can you believe the nerve of these guys?!"

Kelly giggled and Jessie shook her head.

"No I'm serious! We spent all this time together. The least you could do is contact me! Especially that James."

Kelly laughed,"Ok, if I see any of them I'll make sure to relay the news."

Jessie huffed.


As Emily catches her breath, a hidden door creaks open, revealing the formidable villain, Vicki, a tall and menacing figure dressed in all black.

Vicki smiled,"Impressive, Emily. But you won't escape me that easily."

Victorious draws a gleaming sword from her back and advances towards Emily. She tenses up, knowing she's facing her toughest adversary yet.

The two engage in an epic sword fight, the clashing of steel echoing through the factory. Emily's agility and martial arts skills are pitted against Vicki's brute strength and precision.

Their battle takes them through the factory, weaving between machinery and leaping from platforms. Sparks fly as their swords clash with ferocity.

Vicki gains the upper hand, disarming Emily and sending her sprawling. But she doesn't give up. Emily rolls and retrieves a metal pipe from the ground, using it as an improvised weapon.

Emily swings the pipe with determination, landing blows on Vicki. The tide of the battle shifts, and Emily's resilience shines through.

Vicki gritted her teeth,"You're more than I expected."

With a final, powerful strike, Emily knocks the sword from Victorious's grasp. She stumbles backward, defeated.

Emily was panting but still manage to smile, victorious,"Evil never wins."

Vicki retreats, disappearing into the shadows. Emily stands victorious, her spirit unbroken.

Next Episode: Let's Take It To Alola!

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