Unexpected Visitor (Brodinsons + Love)

Start from the beginning

Loki's eyes widen. "You killed Thanos?"

"Sliced his head clean off," Thor says darkly. "And I did it for you. I thought he killed you."

"He did," Loki says. "He did kill me. I am dead. Except I am not... me?"

Thor cocks his head to the side, furrowing his brows.

"Sorry; that made no sense," Loki says. He takes a deep breath. "I am not your Loki."

That only confuses Thor more.

"The Loki of your timeline is dead," Loki explains. "But I'm not from your timeline. I'm from a different timeline, almost identical to this one, except in 2012, I stole the Tesseract as you were dragging me out of Stark Tower, and for that, I was imprisoned by the organization that dictates the flow of time by destroying every universe that deviates from their set path."

"Is..." Thor frowns. "Is this a trick?" It's so ridiculously nonsensical that he wants to laugh, but there's a look of panic on his brother's face that feels too real to be a game.

"I wish this was a trick, brother," Loki says, "but it is very real."

Thor's still very, very, confused, but whatever Loki's talking about, it's very clearly bothering him, and he's not going to write off anything that could leave his brother in this shape.

"The entire multiverse is in danger," Loki tells him. "I've just lost the only two friends I had. I don't know what to do or where else to go. I need your help."

When Loki said the sun would shine on them again, this isn't quite what he had in mind.

"What can I do?" Thor asks.

"I don't know," Loki admits. "I don't know what to do. I'm lost and I'm scared and I miss my friends and I don't know what I'm doing."



This isn't going to be as straightforward as he'd hoped.

Thor puts an arm around his brother's waist and gently leads him into the house. "Come here," he says gently. "Go sit on the couch. Do you want something to eat? Something to drink? What can I do for you?"

Loki seems a little taken aback by Thor's fantastic hosting skills (he had to pick those up quickly when he took Love in), but he does as he's told, sitting down on the couch and wrapping himself up in a blanket. "A glass of wine?"

Thor sucks in a breath through his teeth. "I don't really have alcohol," he says awkwardly.

Loki gapes at him. "You don't have alcohol?"

Thor shakes his head.

"You don't have alcohol," Loki repeats, incredulous.

Again, Thor shakes his head, more timidly this time. "I had a bit of a... problem... with it."

Loki's expression softens, and Thor knows that he knows. He doesn't make a big deal of it; instead, all he says is, "I wouldn't mind a glass of water, then."

Thor gives him a small smile, then heads to the kitchen, just barely out of sight, but still too far from his brother for his comfort. He fills up a glass with water and brings it to Loki, who murmurs his thanks before downing the whole thing. Maybe it's good that there's no alcohol in the building.

Loki puts the glass on the coffee table and looks up at his brother, a somewhat nervous smile on his lips. Thor sits down next to him, returning it with an awkward smile of his own. He should probably ask for more information about this multiversal threat he spoke about, but really, he just wants to chat and chat and chat until the sun comes up. He's missed his brother, more than he could possibly say.

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