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I fell with my hands and face to the floor immediately, wincing as webs of prickling pain spread all over my head's posterior. I could feel a sharp headache underway, but that was the least of my concerns at that moment.

I swiftly turned to sit on the ground in a bid to see my attacker, and I was welcomed by a blinding flashlight and afterwards, a good smash into my right jaw. It was so well placed that I couldn't tell if it was a punch or a really nice kick. Whichever it was, it had me swinging, rolling roughly on the ground to the centre of the alleyway's bend.

My next move was to get up and run. I got up almost as immediately as I had reached the centre of the road, ignoring my throbbing head and tried running for a bench a few metres away from me. I didn't know why I did that though. Perhaps to get a chance for a counterattack?

For a second there, I thought I was succeeding with my aim until the collar of my shirt was viciously dragged backwards against my motion, slightly choking my throat. I paused and took a hold of the big arm holding my shirt, energetically willing myself to let loose from the tight grip.

When I wasn't going anywhere with that, I decided to bite the wrist - which I regretted almost immediately - and I found myself in the air, completely swept off my feet. I received a punch to my nose immediately I had landed hard on my spine, and a major crosscut jab to my left chin. That last punch was powerful enough to dismember my head from the rest of my body, but thankfully it didn't. I knew I was done at that point.

I began a choppy cry, trying to balance it with the urgency of my breaths and the dryness in my throat. I felt so helpless. I couldn't see anything, and the headache I felt was different from all the pains classified as pain. Still under his grip, I was about muttering sharp words of plea when I got, yet again, another hit to my right upper chin - very close to my right eye.

I semi-passed out at that, thrown into a very brief trance.

"Bella, it's okay... that's enough. You can bring the spy here now."

"Yes, boss. Alright, boss."

"Naïve people everywhere. You all never learn. Never!"

It might have been only two minutes of being roughly manhandled and dragged on the floor by the legs, but to me it felt like I'd lived an eternity through it. I forgot everything. I couldn't understand what I was doing on the floor, the person that was dragging me as I lay on my back, or the person that kept on talking and laughing. I wanted to restrain, but my body wouldn't respond either.

I was still in thoughts about who I was and what I was doing when I started seeing the area around me. Bright LEDs shone unapologetically against my face, the sharpness of the light reminding me that I had an explosive headache. It was like a migraine resonating from different angles of my head all at once. I tried to wince, but then my chins had an intense burn of their own. The pain in my nose was bad as well. It was too severe that I was forced to breathe by panting with my mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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