Broken Vases

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Blue POV

The Next Day

I decided on moving back with my mom because I became so tired of the back and forth between L.A, NYC and ATL. Living with my grandparents was cool to an extent, but they were back in that lovey dovey stage and hearing my grandma and grandad having sex was dreadful. I would take hearing my mom and her concubines over that foolishness any day.

But honestly and truly I missed my mom like crazy, every day I found myself calling her at least 3 to 10x during the day just to hear her voice. After our last conversation I could tell she was trying her best to be 110% involved in whatever I had going on. We were going on more mommy daughter dates and spending as much time as we could together.

Everything right now in my life was perfect, my mom had finally gotten rid of concubine. And according to her we may be moving to Atlanta permanently. Yesterday she had taken me to look at schools for the upcoming school year, I mean life right now couldn't have been better.

I got of bed completing my morning hygiene routine, it was Sunday so no homeschooling and definitely no homework. I just wanted a chill day to watch some Harry Potter, lock the twins out of my room and relax.

Speaking of the twins, my suspicions were alerted since they hadn't harassed me all morning. I climbed down the master staircase where I could smell chef Rossi's buttermilk pancakes. As I got closer, I could hear the twins giggling with mom. When I rounded the corridor to the kitchen my mom sat at the island with a little boy in her lap, cutting pancakes with the twins sitting on each side of her.

"BLUEEEE!" The twins cheered which automatically made me roll my eyes.

They ran over to me almost knocking me over. "Blue mommy bought us a new baby brother his name is papa."

I looked at my mom. "Oh, she did?" I  said slicing my eyes at her.

My mom kept a straight face while still cutting the pancakes in front of her.

Rumi climbed up on the table and got in his face. "He's such a cute baby, I'm going to dress him up."

"I'm not a baby." He lowly spoke.

"Yes, you are cause I'm bigger than you!" Rumi argued back.

"I'm not a baby." He looked like he was about to cry.

"Rumi leave your brother alone and get off of the counter before you fall." My mom warned.

"Wait so this isn't a joke?" I looked at my mom for confirmation.

She  simply got up holding this unknown kid and placed Rumi and Sir's breakfast on their miniature table. She then turned around and asked me to follow her, which I did.

I followed her into one of our living rooms where she told me to take a seat. I took a seat across from her with my arms crossed waiting to hear whatever in the book of Yoncé revelations was going on.

She sat the little boy down next to her, but he immediately crawled into her lap.

"Oh, wow and he's already attached to you?" I acted half shocked. "I can't wait to hear this one mommy, go ahead the floor is yours."

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Blue this is your little brother, his name is Amir, but he goes by 'papa'. He's two years old and yea that's it. Papa say hi to your big sister Blue-."

"Wait-wait-wait hold on for a second. So, you magically found this kid and you're telling me he's, my brother. Mom are you for real? Because this isn't funny—now my inheritance is being split between three more people??? You don't think three kids is enough?"

Onika's AnatomyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora