I Do's and Don't's (part one)

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When all is said and done, look what we've become- Onika Maraj

Onika POV

Spring had rolled around quickly, and I was definitely enjoying this weather and so we're the boys. We were back yard of my mom's house in New York visiting. Since we've been here the boys have been constantly nagging me to take them outside. They were busy running around while I scrolled through indeed looking for another surgical fellowship. Yes, two months later I was still without a job and slowly becoming depressed.

It's like every interview I got I was turned away. At this point I began to take it personal, I had a Harper Avery and I performed surgery on the vice president for Christ's sake! I had an entire procedural method that has been added to medical journals for years to come.

But here I was being at stay home mom to both papa and Kross. I've been so bored I had even started looking into starting my own practice. But unfortunately, I needed 6 years experience to be considered a surgeon. And without my my surgical fellowship that shit was near impossible.

That wasn't my only problem either, my bank account was running low. I had already dipped into my savings to pay miscellaneous bills. At this point I was kind of regretting putting the 100k that she had given me for Papa's trust fund. I used 25k for the down payment on my house and the rest would be accessible to papa once he turned 18.

I knew that Lauren didn't mind helping me out here and there. But she had her own bills to worry about and I felt so bad asking my mom for help. At this point I was considering even working in a clinic. But deep down inside I knew I wanted to be a cardio thoracic surgeon.

A notification went off on my phone, Nas had just text me to let me know he was pulling up. I sent him a quick text letting him know the boys and I were in the backyard. We had been hanging out a lot these past two months. Mainly because I was bored as hell when Lauren was at work. But anytime he was in Atlanta he made it his mission to see me. We had been so seeing each other so much to the point where it was only right to let him know that I had kid.

At first, he raised concern about who papa 's father was, I assured him he had nothing to worry.

His whole stance was that he never dealt with anyone with a kid before. He was more afraid of not connecting with papa than any baby daddy drama. But when I introduced the both of them it was like an instant connection.

I felt kind of bad, in the way that I should have been more hesitant about introducing him to someone who could potentially walk out his life. Don't get me wrong I liked Nas he was cool, but I could not see myself committing to him or anyone for that matter.

From jump Nas was real upfront in letting me know he saw other women, since we weren't dating exclusively. I could only respect that, due to the fact that what Nas was looking for I could not provide right now. He wanted a stable relationship, someone to come home to after a long day of work, make him dinner, fuck his brains out while he took care of the bills and house.

But right now, I was my own woman, and the only man in my house was papa bear.

After what that woman put me through, Jesus himself would have to come down and tell me if he was right for me.

As soon as Nas walked through the back gate papa ran up to him. I could tell Papa loved having a male figure around, he jumped up and down Nas' leg until he picked him up.

Kross used that opportunity to sit in my lap while papa was distracted. He knew how overprotective papa was of me- he could not have dared done this if papa wasn't occupied.

Nas came over and took a seat next to me. It wasn't until then I took in his court attire. That Armani suit would hit for every time. He took off his suit jacket swinging it on the back of the chair as papa played with his tie.

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