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He remembered her spilling her past in that bar so for him he felt sick. The man who caused her so much pain had been around their group. What if she wasn't there and they had taken pity on him? Brought him in around the women and children?

It made him feel sick.

Maggie really liked Julia, she saw her as a very strong woman. She didn't know her past but she saw the scar and found her to be a force to be reckoned with.

Yeah she could get easily irritated but- Julia.... She probably had been through alot Maggie didn't know what. She didn't need to know. That scar was enough.


Julia sat in the backseat looking out the window in a daze, the sun beaming through the trees alighting her brown eyes to appear less bland.

When the place finally popped up Julia practically flung herself from the car with a grumble as the whole ride the couple had been whispering sweet nothings the whole time making her gag briefly.

As she rounded the car she caught them in a passionate kiss and began full blown fake dry heaving as if she'd seen the nastiest thing in the world. "Oh god please keep it in your guys pants until we're home." Julia spat with disgust feeling watched she glanced around seeing nothing.

The couple break apart and give Julia an amused smile that she doesn't return as she grumbles looking away.

Glenn grabs the bolt cutters and opens the store, as the doors open birds fly out and the couple gasp and duck as Julia mutters about 'amateur hour.'

Glenn goes inside as Julia nears the door as well just in case he needed help with walkers or anything. Maggie shines her flashlight on a toy and smiles brightly trying to give Julia a knowing smile but the cold woman looks away.

Putting her hair into a tight ponytail instead to keep busy.

"Glenn. Get that duck." Maggie says and Glenn completely clueless didn't understand at first even laughing at the idea. "Are you serious?" He asks as Maggie laughs along. "Yeah. A kid growing up in a prison could use some toys." Maggie says with amusement making Julia slowly go inside and take a look with Glenn.

She didn't want to be out of their walls then need be.

Julia grabbed some diapers, and formula as Glenn got food and batteries. Walking out Julia still stayed silent as Glenn bragged of their findings. "Thanks to Julia's keen eye we just got the powdered formula jackpot." Glenn says tk give her recognition but Julia just mutely nods kicking a piece of trash on the ground.

"Oh thank god." Maggie says with relief as Glenn tell hers the other findings. Julia still felt watched and looks around again still catching nothing.

For a second she thought she saw movement by a car but she stared it down for a whole minute and nothing else moved.

She was really beginning to lose her marbles she bitterly though sighing and shaking her head.

"Well- let's get back to the prison. Something- feels really off right now." Julia admits making Glenn furrow his brows confused. He didn't notice any bad vibes in the atmosphere, and neither did Maggie.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang