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Ashanti slowly picked up her bible then made her way out the seated rows , she spent her morning at church like she did every Sunday. church was like her escape place, a place were she felt accepted and understood.

"Shanti will you be attending the dinner welcoming this year?"pastor brown questioned stopping her at the door

"Yes sir , are you guys hosting it here this year?"shanti asked since last year they hosted it at a different place.

"Yes we will so I'll be seeing you then you drive safe"he smiled walking off.

Shanti turned back around and walked out the church seeing the parking lot slowly start to empty making her smile since every time she'll get blocked in - Unlocking her car with the key fob she opened her door getting in placing her bible in the glove department before shutting the door and starting it up

Looking at her rear mirror she backed out slowly making her way out the church.

The whole ride home Ashanti rode in silence thinking deep in her thoughts.

Ashanti only lived about 5 minutes from her church which was the only reason she would drive her car other than school.

Pulling up in her driveway she sighed reaching over in the passenger seat she grabbed her cardigan then opened the driver door getting out pulling down her dress while she was at it .

Making her way to the door she grabbed the key using it to unlock the bottom lock .

"Shan shan back!" Micky her 6 year old sister yelled as she closed the door locking it.

"Micky you got one more time to raise your voice in my house" her mom noni came in the living room .

"Hey baby how was church? Did you see pastor p?" She questioned sitting down on the couch

"Church was good they did readings and stuff, also pastor p didn't attend church today"shanti shrugged.

"Hmm I knew something was up Ms Shirley updated her Facebook status to single , child I almost slid off the coach" her mom shook her head grabbing the remote.

Shanti laughed walking up the stairs, when it came to Facebook grown folks was so messy and nosey.

Entering her room she removed her church clothes and put on a more comfortable outfit containing shorts and her Nike pro sports bra.

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