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i was running late for picking up dinner for my family because the cashier wouldn't stop crying. 

"i am having the WORST day!" she cried out, blowing her nose making me cringe.

"that's great and all, but can you please get my food. i kind of have somewhere to be." i asked as nice as i could be but she cried more and stormed to the back.

i pulled my phone and and scrolled on click clock until a literal man child walked in. 

"well well well, looky what we have here" his voice was nasly and i soon recognized him as the toddler

mandy came back, sort of collected but she froze when she saw the toddler and some of his goons.

i turned back around and tried to get the food that she had in her hands, "is that my food, can i have it now?"

her shaky hands handed my my food and i paid her and slowly walked out as the toddler stole money. 

i was almost out the door when a group of teens were laughing with each other and they bumped into me, causing me to drop my dinner. 

"oopsie! we're so sorry" a girl with curly black hair said and tried to pick up some of it, failing as it was nacho ball and they broke on impact. 

"it's okay, you don't have to do that." i gave her a couple napkins and the two boys started walking in but came back out fairly quickly.

"mika, chapa. code red" the boy with long dreads (i think that's what it's called sorry if not)

they all left into a back alley except for one girl whom i guessed was chapa.

"hey sorry about your food." I looked up and we met eyes as I smiled. she was like really cute. maybe even hot.

"it's no big deal, i always have excuses ready to use." she smiled back and pulled her phone out. 

"hey can i get your number? i can get you dinner one night to repay for this" she nervously laughed and i grabbed her phone. 

i dialed my number and handed it back to her and most of danger force came back from the alley. 

chapa looked over to them and she walked towards the alley too. "call me!" she yelled to me before disappearing into the alley's darkness.

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