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When your rage is choking you, it is best to say nothing.

Ray returned that evening to help Angharad keep watch over the injured man. As he approached the cottage, he saw Angharad tending to her garden. Her copper waves were tied into a loose braid that tumbled over her shoulder. She knelt in the rows of vegetables, pulling weeds away from the plants. She wore a plain muslin blouse with sleeves rolled up and a patchwork skirt. A brown linen apron was tied around her waist.

"Hello the house!" Ray called, alerting Angharad of his arrival. She looked up and wiped the sweat from her brow with her forearm. A smile spread across her sunkissed face. Ray enjoyed when she smiled. Her happines proved that you could overcome tragic loss and thrive on your own. He was quite proud of her. She was a far cry from the weeping, lonely girl he had found in the woods trying to bury the last family she had.

Roc trotted up to Ray, tail wagging. He patted the old dog on the head. Angharad pulled one more weed before standing and wiping her hands on her apron.

"How fares your patient?" Ray asked.

"He lives, but does not wake." Angharad led Ray inside to show him. 

"Is there anything that can be done to wake him?"

Angharad thought for a moment. She was trying to remember if there had been anything in her fathers books. "We could try a shock to the senses. I recall reading about a Maester that woke some people with strong smells, like vinegar. It didn't always work, he concluded that it was best to let them wake on their own. Often times, the shock of the abrupt waking caused a panic in the patient."

"Then I will continue to ask the Seven to help him."


"Yes my dear?"

"I'd like my table back."

Ray erupted in laughter. "Where would you like to put him?"

"Can you help me move him to the bed?" Ray raised his eyebrows. He thought about how heavy the man was and how much they struggled in moving him into the house the night before. They each took an arm and propped him up over their shoulders. They wrapped their inside arm around his waist and hoisted him off of the table. The mans heels drug on the floor as they shuffled to the bed. Once he was laid on the bed, Angharad propped his leg up with a rolled blanket. She pulled another blanket over his body and fussed over him.

Ray could see the seeds of affection starting to take root. Ray had long hoped Angharad would find someone to be her companions. Ray had invited her to join the settlement and find companionship but, she always declined the offers. The corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled. He leaned against the table and chuckled softly to himself.

"Have you had supper yet?" Ray asked.

"No. I have more work before sundown." Angharad wet a rag and cleaned her table.

"I'll go get some rabbits and we can sup later." Ray pushed away from the table and left to hunt. Angharad went outside to the line strung between the trees to take down the new dry clothes that Sara and Meril had washed earlier that day. She folded all the pieces before she put them into a basket. She would need to go to the river and bathe tomorrow and would be able to wash more bandages then. 

Angharad went to harvest some fresh vegetables for dinner. She gathered lettuce, radishes, carrots and sweet peas. they would make a delicious salad when tossed with some mustard, honey, and diluted vinegar.

Just as she had started to cut the vegetables the man began to stir in the bed. She was worried the fever had spiked again and rushed to him. He was groaning and tossing his head. Angharad lifted the blanket to check his leg. The bandages remained clean, so she moved to take his temperature. She pressed her cheek to his forehead. No Fever. 'He must be having a nightmare,' she thought.

A Hound in the Woods // Sandor Cleganeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें