Chapter Eighteen

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It was November when (Y/N) managed to have a proper interview with Yui Hirahara before it was interrupted by her son.

Seated in a cozy corner of a cafe, (Y/N) and Yui Hirahara engaged in an interview. Armed with a notebook and a sense of journalistic curiosity, (Y/N) directed her first question toward Yui, her eyes bright with anticipation.

"(Y/N): Yui, thank you for agreeing to this interview. As a fellow journalist,

I am curious to know more about your family as well."

Yui's lips curved into a polite smile, her demeanor poised yet guarded. "Of course, (Y/N). I'm here to provide any insights that I can."

The tension in the air was palpable, a blend of professionalism and underlying currents of rivalry. (Y/N) leaned in, her voice carrying a note of intrigue. "Let's start with something simple. How is your relationship with your sons?"

Yui's gaze flickered, memories playing across her features like fleeting shadows. "Kosuke is a hard-working man, and he was always ahead of everyone else. I loved how work-driven he is. But... are you not curious as to Yeong-gi?"

(Y/N) jotted down notes, her curiosity piqued. "Ah yes Yeong-gi, I would love to know some more things about him. Could you care to elaborate?"

Yui's fingers traced the rim of her coffee cup, her voice tinged with a mixture of reminiscence and calculation. "He is merely my stepson, but he does try his best. But he does have quite the backstory."

The conversation flowed, questions and answers exchanged with an air of polite professionalism. And then, as (Y/N) pressed further, Yui's gaze seemed to sharpen, as if she were on the cusp of revealing a well-kept secret.

Yui's lips curled into a smirk, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "I know you want the juicy details, but I am surprised that my Kousuke did not catch your eye. There is something that might surprise you, this 'Yeong'gi' is not his real name."

(Y/N)'s pen froze in mid-air, surprise etching across her features. "His real name?"

Yui leaned in, her voice lowered conspiratorially. "His real name is Nolan."

The revelation hung in the air like a weighty secret, shattering preconceived notions and painting a new canvas of intrigue. (Y/N)'s mind whirred, connecting dots and imagining the layers of complexity beneath Yeong-gi's façade.

Yui leaned back, a calculated smile gracing her lips. "He wanted a fresh start, a new identity away from the burdens of his past. And in this city, he found the chance to become someone else entirely."

"Why..." (Y/N) was speechless.

"Oh dear, have I said much? I apologize, but you have grown closer to the two boys. I enjoyed chatting with you. As my token of appreciation, please take this." Yui handed her an envelope and it was an invitation to a party.

"I do have a favor to ask you..." Yui leaned over. "I am not always in such a good mood. I've been playing this game longer than you have. Stay away from that boy, and besides." She pulled back and smiled. "Kousuke is closer to your age."

- T I M E -

The night sky was a velvety canvas studded with stars, casting a luminous glow over the sprawling estate where the Kims' black and white formal was set to unfold. As guests in elegant attire streamed through the grand entrance, anticipation mingled with the crisp evening air. Amidst the chatter and laughter, a sleek black car glided to a stop at the entrance, its engine purring to a hushed silence.

From within the car emerged Nol, exuding an air of quiet confidence as he adjusted the lapels of his tailored black tuxedo. The formal attire seemed to accentuate his sharp features, his orange hair catching the gentle play of light. With an almost imperceptible smile playing on his lips, he navigated the pathway that led to the heart of the event.

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