Chapter Seventeen

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"Hey, let's get out of this place, and let me give you a surprise," Yeong-gi proposed, as his fingers gently entwined with hers. Both of them shared a sense of anticipation, and they gracefully departed from the confines of her apartment. The air of perplexity mingled with the excitement that danced within her, leaving her to ponder as to where this spontaneous adventure would lead them. There were endless possibilities, yet shrouded in mystery. Perhaps it was a trip to the cinema? Or simply the mall? Despite this consideration, no ongoing film had managed to capture her attention. A cascade of thoughts enveloped her as she attempted to decipher their destination.

Embracing the pulse of the city, the pair hopped onto a bustling bus, immersing themselves in a tapestry of humanity on the move. The vehicle's interior was a symphony of individuals, each in their own paths- on the way home, work, and cram school. Seated beside Yeong-gi, (Y/N) observed him standing steadfastly, his grip finding solace on a nearby pole. The interplay of words between them was minimal, yet an invisible thread seemed to link their gaze. It was as if an unspoken conversation transpired through the language of stolen glances. Not many words were exchanged between the two, but she found herself unable to look away from him. He had a distant look on his face and she wondered to herself what he could possibly be thinking. He looked so serious, and she wanted to reach out to him. Yet her words were always getting stuck in her throat, so they were unable to reach him. A chuckle, warm and sincere, resonated from Yeong-gi, punctuating the moment.

"Sorry I didn't bring out my car today," he laughed. "I wasn't thinking much today, but all I knew is that I wanted to just be outside."

A soft smile danced upon (Y/N)'s lips, a silent inquiry manifesting in her thoughtful gaze. "It's no trouble at all, but I really want to know as to where you are taking us?" Her head tilted playfully to one side, a gesture that mirrored her curiosity. 

In this manner, the journey continued—a symphony of unspoken emotions, a mosaic of stolen glances, and a shared sense of exhilaration. The mundane surroundings of the bus faded into the backdrop, as the anticipation of the unknown forged an unbreakable connection between them.

After a few stops, Yeong-gi got off and he took her by the hand. The two left the bus and onto the street and walked over to the planetarium. He hummed to himself, as he paid for their tickets and the person at the booth recognized him.

"Long time no see." The old woman smiled.

"I would have come sooner, but I've been busy with school and my family." Yeong-gi smiled.

The two walked inside and (Y/N) glanced at Yeong-gi. She pondered, did he come here often? He seemed like a regular after all.

Amid the enchanting expanse of the planetarium, (Y/N) and Yeong-gi found themselves suspended in a sea of stars. The dome above them was a canvas painted with the cosmos, each celestial body a glimmering brushstroke in the tapestry of the night sky. They reclined in plush seats, their gazes drawn upward as if in reverence to the celestial ballet unfolding before them. His fingers grazed the armrest, his touch inadvertently brushing against (Y/N)'s. Startled yet exhilarated, she gave a sidelong glance at him, catching his eyes in the soft luminescence. A gentle, unspoken understanding passed between them—a recognition that in this shared moment, words might falter.

"This place is something else, isn't it?" His voice was a whisper. His tone carried a trace of wonder, mirroring the awe reflected in his eyes.

(Y/N) smiled, her heart dancing to the rhythm of the stars. "All of it is quite enchanting. It's like being cradled in the universe's embrace."

As if in response, a shooting star streaked across the dome, a fleeting brilliance against the canvas of darkness. Their eyes locked onto the ethereal trail as if silently making a wish upon the celestial messenger. Yeong-gi's fingers, once again, brushed lightly against (Y/N)'s, a connection that sent a tingle down her spine. As though brought by the magic of the cosmos, she intertwined her fingers with his, a gentle affirmation of their shared journey through the stars.

"I used to come here a lot when I was a kid," Yeong-gi revealed, his voice carrying a nostalgic timbre. "It's where I'd find solace when everything else felt chaotic."

(Y/N) turned her gaze from the starry sky to him, her eyes soft with understanding. "Sometimes the universe has a way of grounding us, reminding us of the beauty that exists beyond our struggles."

He nodded, his eyes locked onto hers, a depth of gratitude and connection passing between them. It was as if the universe had conspired to bring them to this very moment, where vulnerability and shared experiences converged. The planetarium show continued a celestial ballet of planets, galaxies, and such. (Y/N) and Yeong-gi's hands remained entwined, their fingers tracing constellations of their own making—a quiet affirmation of the bond they were forging.

In that transcendent moment, (Y/N) and Yeong-gi were not just spectators to the cosmos; they were part of its intricate design, woven into the very fabric of stardust and dreams. The stars seemed to cast a gentle glow upon them, encouraging the exchange of thoughts and dreams. His fingers still brushed lightly against (Y/N)'s, a gesture that conveyed both comfort and curiosity.

"You know," he began softly, "I've always thought that places like this inspire us to open up about our hopes and dreams. Have you always wanted to be a writer?"

(Y/N) felt a tender vulnerability wash over her, brought on by the safe haven of the planetarium and his presence. She sighed, a tint of nostalgia and sadness in her voice. "You might find it a bit silly, considering where I ended up. I dreamed of becoming a pastry chef."

Yeong-gi's eyes twinkled with genuine interest, his lips curling into a warm smile. "A pastry chef? That sounds amazing.  I kind of expected that since I saw you bake."

She chuckled softly, her gaze shifting from the stars to her own memories. "I've always loved baking. There's something about creating sweet treats that brings joy to people's lives. And I used to spend hours trying recipes, imagining having my own little bakery."

He nodded his expression a blend of admiration and understanding. "It's a beautiful dream, (Y/N). But what happened?"

Her smile faltered, and a hint of sadness clouded her eyes. "My ex-fiance had other ideas. He viewed me as a pastry chef to be trivial and it was too messy. I let go of that dream, and settled down for an office job."

Yeong-gi's fingers tightened around hers, a subtle gesture of empathy. "It sucks that you had to give up something you were passionate about."

(Y/N) sighed, her gaze returning to the stars as if seeking solace in them. "It's been a long journey to come to terms with it. I told myself it was the practical choice, the responsible thing to do. But sometimes, when I'm here, looking at the stars, I wonder how different things could have been."

Yeong-gi's voice was soft, laced with a mix of compassion and encouragement. "It's never too late to chase your dreams, (Y/N)."

Tears glistened in her eyes as she met his gaze, touched by his words. "Thank you. It means a lot to hear that."

He smiled, his thumb gently brushing away a tear that had escaped down her cheek. "I care about you, and you should pursue that dream of yours."

(Y/N)'s heart swelled with a newfound sense of possibility. Here, beneath the stars and with him by her side, she felt a resurgence of the dreams she thought were lost. With a determined nod, she whispered, "I'll try."

Author's note: Those recent updates to the webtoon really pushed me to finish this story. : D I really want to start calling him by the name in the story soon, perhaps some real drama will happen between Nol and (Y/N)? I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and please comment! Thank you for reading! 

Time: Yeong-gi x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें