Brooklyn, New York/Noah's Interview

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And then Breanna, Noah and Kris's mother walked in overhearing her sons chatting as she says "At least they got that going for 'em. Here, I ironed this for you" as she placed Noah's shirt on the back of the chair. "I already ironed it. What..." Noah said bringing the food over to the table. "Like you cooked those eggs?" Breanna questioned as she gestured the burnt eggs in the pan that Noah was holding as he looked down at the food eggs though he could tell they were burnt and said "What you mean? They're just...seasoned" and then he scoops out the eggs onto a plate. Then there was a knock at the door and Breanna went to the door, opened it as it revealed to be both Eva and Neziha as Eva was holding two cups of coffee while Neziha was holding a bag. "Morning Breanna" Eva greeted and Breanna smiled at her before the two women hugged each other as Breanna says "Oh, it's so good to see you again Eva. Come in, come in" and the three get in and then Eva says "How we doing? Something stinks in here" and Breanna says "Noah made breakfast".

Eva looked at the burnt eggs before looking and asking, sounding amused "You managed to burn eggs, Noah?" and Noah quickly says "They're not burned, they're seasoned!" and Eva smirked in amusement while Neziha giggled before they heard Kris saying "Aw, come on!" as he walks in the kitchen with a Game Boy in his hand with a blanket around him. "Come eat, bro" Noah said as Kris sat down while placing his Game Boy on the table and said "I can't get past Bowser" and Breanna said "Well, good morning to you too" as she was pouring water into a glass before saying "Drink this and take your medicine. All of it" and Kris replied "Okay" as he takes the pills. "Are you sure you can take him?" Breanna asked Noah, who was fanning away the steam from the stove as he said "Yeah, uh, hospital's on the way. I got time".

"And, if that lady, that... administrator is there, and she mentions a bill. Just… tell her we're handling it" Breanna said and this made Eva frowned at this knowing who she's talking about and then Noah said "I will. And after today, I'll be able to help out more" and Breanna smiled at her older son, placed a hand on his shoulder and said "Good luck on the interview. Don't forget to laugh at all the jokes! White people love that shit" as she puts on her jacket, making Eva snort as she coughs out a laugh. "Ma, language" Kris said with a serious look on his face, making Neziha giggle at this. "Okay!" Breanna replied, giving him a kiss on the cheek goodbye and grabbed the cup of coffee Eva gave her as she adds "Remember, I have a class tonight, so I'll be home late. Los quiero" and Neziha waves bye while Noah says "I love you" while walking over and putting food on Kris's plate. "Hurry up, man. We gotta get into the city" and as Noah sat down and was about to eat when he, Eva and Neziha noticed that Kris was struggling to pick up the fork. Kris was trying to pick it up with his right hand but couldn't and so he used his left hand instead.

"Hey. Hold up. Hold up. Your hand's hurting again?" Noah asked in concern and Kris had a funny look on his face when Noah asked him about his hand. He tried to hide it to pretend there was nothing wrong as he said "No, it's nothing" and Noah wasn't buying as he said "Yo, let me see" and at first Kris hesitated, but then Eva comes in and says in stern but gentle tone "Kris..." and at that point Kris knew that he couldn't keep on lying and hiding it from his brother, especially Eva since she can tell if he's lying so he gave him his hand to his brother to look at and Noah began to examine his hand and could tell it was getting worse as he said "It's swollen. The sickle cells must be blocking the blood flow again" and then Kris pulls his hand away from Noah, feeling upset that it has been hurting for a while as Eva asks sounding worried "How long has this been going on?".

"Couple days" Kris said and then Noah said "Hey, yo, look, I told you, you gotta tell me these things. You fighting this alone, or we fighting it together?" and Kris said "Together" and then Neziha asked "Home team?" and Kris nods as he looked at his little brother figure with a small smile and said "Home team" as the two of them exchanged their secret handshake, making both Noah and Eva smile at this.

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